transport aircraft

  1. boxkite

    DC-10 Projects and Variants

    According to Vaclav Němeček in his book “Civilní letadla 2” the drawing gives an impression of a DC-10 variant, but he didn’t mention a D-… number. Is anyone able to supplement the designation?
  2. flateric

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing BWB projects - several streaming QuickTime videos of LARC WT tests - several hi-res photos...
  3. D

    Civilian versions of bomber aircraft

    Why to spend money in a development from zero if military designs can adapt? Proposals for a SST based on the North American XB-70 Valkyrie (I cannot avoid to imagine to the boys of Green Peace in a MIG-31 with the colors of the rainbow trying him to give hunt to one of these apparatuses) ;D
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