transport aircraft

  1. GTX

    KC-10 tanker

    Starting thread at the end...
  2. A

    Short Skyvan projects

    I am currently writing a book on the Short Skyvan. I wonder if anyone has information (description, drawings etc) on Shorts project P.D.50 described as a "Skyvan VTOL test-bed", and P.D.62 listed in the Putnam as "Skyvan with B.L.C" but elsewhere as "Skyvan Feeder Liner". Both seem quite...
  3. H

    Airbus A300-600ST Beluga

    The Airbus Beluga STs have been retired from Airbus service. They were transferred to a new company, Airbus Beluga Transport, which will operate the aircraft (which still have 10-20 years of airframe life) on the commercial charter market. Airbus announced this on 25 January 2022. View...
  4. T

    Post Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe/Axis options

    Similar to the post-BoB RAF: what might've Luftwafe/RLM do after Autumn of 1940 in order to improve their standing, both in short-term (next 12 months) and long-term (a few next years). I've also included 'Axis' term here - mostly European Axis countries' air forces/services - since they can be...
  5. V

    Douglas Model 2007 COD transport

    The book American Secret Projects: US Airlifters Since 1962 describes in detail the Model 2007 carrier on-board delivery aircraft project, which was basically a scaled-down Model 1906A with a swing-tail loading arrangement. Two versions of the Model 2007 were envisaged, the four-engine Model...
  6. M

    Douglas - Very Large Cargo Concepts

    Hi All - I have had some communications with Dave Beigle (Douglas Artist - see: ) and ordered some of his artwork. Looks like the prints are done on a home PC printer but the subject more than makes up for the quality...
  7. hesham

    Columbia Aircraft Corporation 'Uncle Sam' Transoceanic Aircraft Project

    Hi, The Columbia Aircraft Corporation and the designers,Edmund Changiard and Alexander Kartveli created the Uncle Sam,it was a transoceanic transport all metal aircraft,with cantilever wing looks like a blended wing,and powered by three engines,all details are in Les Ailes journal and in...
  8. M

    C-17B Globemaster

    I'm looking for information, technical data, 3-line drawings, pictures etc about projects based on C-17 Globemaster III ( for example C-17B ).
  9. N

    USAAF Heavy Cargo and Troop Transport competition

    Hi All! In early 1946, USAAF issued a preliminary specification for a 50,000 pounds payload Heavy Cargo and Troop carrier type aircraft. My opinion these manufacturers were participating of this competition: Fairchild Model 99 Lockheed Model L-168 Martin Model 240 (?) (?)...
  10. Sundog

    Boeing KC-46A Tanker/Transport

    website is up.
  11. Bill S

    Vought E-101 Transport

    Please forgive if this has been posted before, I did a search for Vought and found mainly Postwar projects. This is the E-101 Transport aircraft. Again a variation in Vought's numbering system. From Vought Archives Enjoy!
  12. hesham

    Lockheed Martin joined wing/boxwing projects

    Hi, The Lockheed boxwing or joined-wing studied for NASA.
  13. JAZZ

    British Military Transports

    Two interesting projects BAC-201 of the late 1960's can carry a 4500kg pay load and Britten Norman Mainlander 1973 - not much information on this one.
  14. hesham

    McDonnell Douglas Little Known Airliners

    Hi everybody, During the 1987/1988 McDonnell-Douglas tried to make a deal with Airbus to develope MD-330 airliner,which was based on a stretch MD-11 airframe with Airbus A300 wing to compete Boeing-747,but the McDonnell later developed the design MD-12,anther series of little known airliner...
  15. boxkite

    DC-10 Projects and Variants

    According to Vaclav Němeček in his book “Civilní letadla 2” the drawing gives an impression of a DC-10 variant, but he didn’t mention a D-… number. Is anyone able to supplement the designation?
  16. flateric

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing BWB projects - several streaming QuickTime videos of LARC WT tests - several hi-res photos...
  17. D

    Civilian versions of bomber aircraft

    Why to spend money in a development from zero if military designs can adapt? Proposals for a SST based on the North American XB-70 Valkyrie (I cannot avoid to imagine to the boys of Green Peace in a MIG-31 with the colors of the rainbow trying him to give hunt to one of these apparatuses) ;D
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