third reich

  1. J

    New book - Sonderwaffen - Experimental guns, rockets and missiles used by the Luftwaffe during World War Two.

    CONTENTS GUNS Ikaria MG FF (20-mm) Mauser MG 151 Series (15/20-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 103 (30-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 108 (30-mm) Mauser MG 81 (7.92-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MG 131 (13-mm) Mauser MG/MK 213 C Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 3.7 (37-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 5 (50-mm) Mauser...
  2. J

    Ruhrstahl 8-347 (X4)

    By mid-1942 the shortage of tungsten needed for production of anti-tank artillery shells was so critical that the Heereswaffenamt issued a specification calling for a Panzerabwehrrakete (anti-tank missile) fitted with hollow charge warhead. Early in 1943, Dr. Otto Kramer began the development...
  3. E

    The Franco-Belgian front holds 1940: consequences for the RAF?

    Hi everyone, I tend to be quite interested in discussing the details of a scenario where the Entente holds the front near the Franco-Belgian border in 1940 (mostly in other forums). I was now wondering what the impacts would be for the RAF. Obviously we may see fewer American aircrafts in...
  4. W

    Remote-controlled 5cm FlaK 41 battery

    In the late-war period a battery of the ill-fated 5cm FlaK 41 was directed by a remote controlled system, overcoming it`s manual traverse problems and testing what would be the Gerät 58 5,5cm control system. Does anyone know about this development?
  5. W

    Kampfflugzeuge See (See-Stuka) 1938 contest

    Everyone knows about the Dormier P.85 aircraft project, a Do17Z with, among other differences, floats and straight wings. It wasn`t included in the attached table, taken from a BA/MA file on the contest for a seaplane bomber, known as "Kampfflugzeug See" or as See-Stuka, as may see. There were...
  6. W

    Kriegsmarine Kleinluftschiffe (Airships)

    Those who tought, like me, that all the German engineering expertise on hardware airships ended with the Hindenburg, are wrong. The BA/MA in Freiburg has a file (included in RM 7/2382), dated 12.2.1938,and stemming from the Kriegsmarine, refering to a proposal, serious enough to the point of...
  7. W

    Flotten-UBoot Typ XII

    The Bundesarchiv/Militäraarchiv listened to my prayers and made available the plans for a German fleet submarine project I was looking after since I bought Eberhardt Rössler`s "Geschichte des Deutschen Ubootbaus", in the early1990`s. All we had was a cross section and the general specifications...
  8. J

    Henschel Zitterrochen

    Henschel Zitterrochen The Messerschmitt P 1111 (January 15,1945 jet fighter project) was fast, climbed very fast and high, manoeuvred exceedingly well at low speed, had enough room to transport a lot of fuel and armament, could be built in wood and was surprisingly small and nice to look at...
  9. blackkite

    Bf 110 Contenders

    Hi! Competitor Focke-Wulf FW.57.
  10. W

    3cm Flakvierling 103/38 Flakpanzer

    This, the last Flakpanzer designed by Rheinmetall-Borsig from late 1944, was incited by the SS-Führungshauptamt and fathered by SS-Hauptsturmführer Wabnitz. It proceeded to the last days of WW2, and not just a wooden mockup was made since metal was cut. All the plans were destroyed in a air...
  11. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    German Bombs, Bombers and Bombing Tactics over Malta (1941-1943)

    Hi all, The purpose of this thread is to collect and present source material for German bomb types, fuzes and tactics used over the Mediterranean (with particular reference to Malta). I am looking for both British and German sources, both primary and secondary, however, I would especially like...
  12. E

    Armored 88mm gun ?

    Can anyone identify this type of gun emplacement...
  13. newsdeskdan

    Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe by Dan Sharp

    My latest publication is almost ready to print and is available for pre-orders here: SECRET PROJECTS OF THE LUFTWAFFE Dan Sharp 132 pages Softback £11.99 (p&p free in the UK, I believe) Two editions will be available - the regular...
  14. 3

    12.8 cm K.44 Selbstfahrlafette mit gerichtetem Fahrzeug und Feinrichtmaschine

    While looking through a seemingly random search result, I found a particular drawing that stood out to me as it does not seem to be discussed much outside of this VK thread where I found it... Here are the details found in said article: There is also a blueprint and a recreation of said...
  15. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 309 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp and Calum E. Douglas

    Messerschmitt Me 309 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp & Calum E. Douglas Chosen in 1941 to replace the Bf 109 as the Luftwaffe’s standard front-line fighter, Messerschmitt’s innovative Me 309 embodied a wealth of hard-won experience from the Battle of Britain. Its sturdy tricycle...
  16. athpilot

    Johannes Winkler in den Junkers-Werken und die Dessauer Raketen

    This book is written by the german Winkler-Researcher Reinhard Sagner. He focuses on the technical asprects of Winkler´s work in and for the Junkers Company in Dessau in the time between 1929 and 1939, when Winkler left Junkers for the Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Braunschweig. The author has used...
  17. W

    Flakpanzer Kugelblitz

    Hi I found this picture on ... itz-t19200 is this photo of real Flakpanzer? or just model / good drawing ?
  18. J

    Stealth Warplanes of the Luftwaffe-Prototypes and Projects 1936-1946-War Secrets-Volume Four

    STEALTH WARPLANES OF THE LUFTWAFFE Prototypes and projects 1936-1946 War Secrets-Volume Four Contents The race for invisibility Transparent wings Zebra effect Vorticist School Lozenge-Tarnung Akinetopsia Yehudi Infra-red Turbinlite Spanner Anlage I Spanner Anlage II Spanner...
  19. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp There are many myths surrounding the development of the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. Its unparalleled performance is beyond doubt; easily able to outpace its opponents and possessing the firepower to shred them in seconds. Yet...
  20. ArmchairSamurai

    Schmalturm & Other Drafts of Panzers

    Hello, just found this link; I thought I would share its contents with you all: And these were hiding in the comments, one is defintely the Schmalturm, the others, not sure :
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