tank design

  1. JAZZ

    Swiss MBT 1980's

    Interesting front engined MBT proposal for the Swiss Army, the NKPz ended up to expensive and the auto loader was apparently problematic.
  2. P

    West German Leopard 3 MBT

    In the late 1980's I remember the West Germans talking about their plans for their next gen of MBT that was going to replace the Leopard 1. It was called the Leopard 3. Does anyone have anything in the way of how far this project got - i.e prototype? is there any art work or drawings or...
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    MBT 70 family

    Nice pics of an MBT-70 prototype http://tanxheaven.com/mbo/MBT-70/MBT-70.htm
  4. Antonio

    Nuclear powered tanks

    I read on whatifmodelers forum (I think from an uk75 post) that there were some studies for nuclear powered tanks in the US in the 50's. I would like to learn more about this designs and see drawings if it is possible ::)
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