tactical air command

  1. F

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thread to discuss Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF Projects. Merged with existing Rockwell ATF threads by Overscan If I knew how to add a pic, I'd attach it, but in a 1981 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, there was a page of sketches of ATF designs. One that's had me intrigued is a Rockwell...
  2. flateric

    Northrop pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Northrop pre-ATF and ATF studies. Scren captures are from 'YF-23 Black Widow II Declassified' documentary (c) West Coast Images
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    The AX Competition (rivals and development of the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II)

    OK, lets go back to the AX competition and the original bids submitted. Cessna's submission Source: A-37 in Action, Squadron-Signal
  4. Antonio

    Ryan XV-5 and beyond - Liftfan VTOL designs

    Ryan Lift-Fan Advanced Studies Flying Review Vol.20 No.12 Courtesy of Lark Model 182 is a transonic close-support fighter developed from XV-5A. Model 186-C is a supersonic point defence fighter Model 187-B is a also a supersonic fighter
  5. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Projects

    Thread to discuss F-15 based projects. Discussion of early F-15 development should go Here instead.
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