surface-to-air missile

  1. Antonio

    Patriot SAM replacement

    I have been doing some research on my old newspaper clips and found that one dated 06-September-1992: Anybody knows what is the refered system: the PAC-3? Thanks in advance Antonio
  2. F

    current lack of a British high altitude intercept missile

    Hello Im new to this site so please bear with me if this post is a little naive. It seems that the uk lacks a medium to high altitude missile intercept capability whilst being reasonably served at lower altitudes by rapier and sea wolf. Am I correct in thinking this or out of date, I am ignoring...
  3. Petrus

    Oerlikon SAMs

    Interestingly, in the 1950s the Swiss Oerlikon company designed several surface-to-air missiles. Here are links to very few websites that contain any information on the projects:
  4. TinWing

    Sea Wolf and Sea Dart: Unbuilt Derivatives and Cancelled Applications

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