surface-to-air missile

  1. uk 75

    UK Air Defence

    Nothing in military history has given the RAF such a hold on the public imagination as the gallant Spitfire and Hurricane pilots of the Battle of Britain. Sadly in the postwar nuclear world their successors have only been tasked with wartime defence of key military infrastructure in the UK. It...
  2. GTX

    NOMADS Armored Short Range Air Defense System
  3. A

    FrankenSAM Project
  4. Dilandu

    MIM-72 Chaparral with head-on engagement capability

    The major disadvantage of the MIM-72 Chaparral (initially) was its inability to engage jet aircraft head-on. The AIM-9D "Sidewinder", on which its missiles were based, could not lock on target from this aspect. While it wasn't a major disadvantage for a AAM, it was a big hindrance for SAM, since...
  5. A

    Soviet Cruiser Projects

    Hi, somebody have information about this ship. Project 11990 test ship and Project 13040 Anchor. will be escort of nuclear power carrier.
  6. C

    Patriot SAM Developments

    Anyone know if AN/TPY-5(V)1 is a marketing exercise to rename the latest variant of the Marine AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) or is it a new radar?
  7. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  8. V

    Little known US Army missile projects of early 1950s

    Is there any record of little-known US Army missile projects from the early 1950s? Considering that the RV-A-22 designation was allocated to Lark missiles used by the Army sometime between 1951 and 1953, and that the missing US Army missile designation numbers 20 and 21 must have been allocated...
  9. uk 75

    1967 US MICV mock up in Janes Weapons Systems

    I wonder if anyone with a first or second edition copy of Janes Weapons Systems (1969 or 70) could help me track down an image showing a Marder like mock up of a US MICV design for the 1967 MICV competition. I photocopied it some years back from a Library copy (now no longer available) and...
  10. GTX

    Bloodhound Mk IV SAM

    I read that the Mk. IV version of the Bloodhound SAM was to be a mobile version. Anyone got any further details?
  11. JFC Fuller

    Original French MASURCA ship program

    I am utterly confused about the original French plans for the deployment of this missile, the wiki page for the Suffren class destroyers states that six ships were originally planned and that this became two batches of three (the second tentative?) then just two ships when the money for the...
  12. H

    Follow-on Stinger - future MANPADS systems

    Stinger MANPADS are being modified to avert obsolescence and add some new capabilities such as the proximity fuze but the end of it's use and service is foreseeable. I´ve read about the "Future Stinger Capability Working Group". What covers behind this group? Are there any new planned systems...
  13. Bill S


    ERINT-1 ERINT (Extended Range Interceptor) was a part of the Strategic Defense Initiative’s Theater Missile Defense Program. The US Army contracted for a prototype missile and launch control system to defend against cruise missiles, aircraft, ballistic and tactical missiles. The capability was...
  14. bobbymike

    Army Indirect Fire Protection System and New Guided Missile Program

    Army To Develop Multi-Mission Launcher For Indirect Fire Protection Posted: Mar. 28, 2014 The Pentagon has approved the Army's plan to begin a technology maturation and risk-reduction phase of the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 program that will focus on the development of...
  15. Brickmuppet

    Sea Phoenix

    The only mention I have seen of the surface launched version of AIM-54 was a brief mention in Gunston's Rockets and Missiles where he says that "In 1976 a virtually unmodified Phoenix was successfully fired at NWC China Lake traveling 13.5 miles downrange in 90 seconds..." He also mentions that...
  16. RyanC

    Douglas Missile (DM) List

    Very sketchy and incomplete! DM-14 - Nike-Hercules DM-15 -- Nike Zeus A? (sketchy) DM-15S --NIKE-ZEUS ASAT DM-15X2 -- Nike-EX. On 1 JAN 1967, was redesignated SPARTAN. DM-18 -- Thor DM-18A -- Thor Agena A? DM-19 -- Thor Delta? DM-20 -- Skybolt DM-21 -- Thor Agena B?
  17. uk 75

    FABMS and early versions of SAM D

    One of the most interesting periods in the development of the US Army missile systems is that between 1960 and 1975 or so when the US envisaged self propelled tracked missile systems very similar to those deployed by the USSR. Eventually the SAM D (later Patriot) emerged as a tracked launcher...
  18. S

    German Navalized ROLAND-II SAM system

    In the early to mid 1970's the German navy was experimenting with the navalization of both the Gepard SPAA gun system and the ROLAND-II surface to air missile system. I was wondering does anyone know if these systems were ever tested successfully and ever used? I remember seeing them in a old...
  19. JFC Fuller

    RN Nuclear NIGS ship

    Firstly, this is based upon known discussions with the RN, known systems that were proposed and/or existed at one point or another and known sketch designs performed. However these have been combined together to form a single coherent platform that is representative of what could have been built...
  20. P

    Rapier SAM / Marder MICV Combination Project

    I found this proposal for a British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) Rapier SAM system incorporated into a West German Marder MICV chassis, in a copy of a 1972-73 Jane’s Weapon Systems, which I purchased the other day in a second hand book shop. This Rapier/Marder project looks a very thorough thought...
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