
  1. Z

    Alternative RN from 1983

    1983, rather than 1982 is a key date for decisions for the RN and UK defence as a whole, in the light of the Falklands and it's effect not just on defence thinking but on the UK populace's attitude to their country. As surely as it was to the political establishment. But in terms of changes a...
  2. hesham

    Grumman Ring-Wing Missile (hypothetical)

    Hi, here is a Grumman ring-wing supersonic missile,just a hypothetical design.
  3. C

    Northrop N-251 supersonic VTOL interceptor concept

    The Northrop N-251 was a supersonic VTOL interceptor concept with trapezoid wings, twin forward engines and vectored lift thrust at the CG, much like the Bell X-14 and DuPont DP-1/-2. Factory model is shown here.
  4. Steve Pace

    Douglas Skyrocket

    I found this online - a view of the D-558-2 I've never seen before (note original cockpit canopy). Credit Life magazine - Steve Pace
  5. Triton

    Myasishchev M-56

    Model of Myasishchev M-56 from USSR-Russian Aviation & Space Collectibles (Alex Panchenko). Description: Source:
  6. Triton

    Douglas F5D-1 Skylancer

    Model of Douglas F5D Skylancer manufactured by Allyn found on eBay. Seller's description:
  7. A

    Avro 730 kit from Fantastic Plastic (1:144 scale)

    Britain's Avro 730 supersonic bomber concept was the first kit produced by Fantastic Plastic. (It was released in October 2005). After being out of production for almost two years, I've brought it back as a new, improved model. Whereas the first kit was a simple "tabletop" model, Version 2.0...
  8. Orionblamblam

    Avro 730 in 1/144 now available

    The first model I did for Fantastic Plastic back in 2004 was the British Avro 730 bomber in 1/144 scale. Last year I was asked to re-visit the model. I completely rescribed it, added cockpit, landing gear and bomb bay details, and just generally improved the hell out of it. The first time...
  9. Apophenia

    Avro Canada SST Feasibility Study

    Attached is a plan-view of a 1959 Avro Canada supersonic transport study. (From Canadian Aircraft Since 1909 by K.M. Molson, ISBN: 0370300955.) This STAT (Supersonic Trans-Atlantic Transport) study was listed as configuration 6, a transatlantic design carrying 80 passengers. A number of online...
  10. flateric


    [1986]...mission analysis that was conducted by a large number of Air Force and industry organizations. The purpose was to formulate and understand the alternatives for future strategic aeronautical weapon systems and identify promising system concepts to follow those currently in the inventory...
  11. Jemiba

    Soviet SST designs from the '60s

    From aero 1962, some designs which are said to have been published in the press "behind the iron curtain" The first picture shows a designs from Myasishew, Ilyushin and Tupolev (from top to bottom), the other picture shows an unknown design.
  12. uk 75

    Boeing 2707 SST airline artwork wanted

    Over many years I have gathered together brochures and artwork (cards ads etc) for the Boeing SST So far I have artwork for the following: Airlift (photo of broken model from ebay) Alitalia (drawing in brochure) Braniff (image from Internet site) Continental (photo of model in brochure-meatball...
  13. hesham

    Aerospatiale ATSF (Alliance) / British Aerospace AST

    Hi, please see the Flightglobal;
  14. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
  15. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
  16. S

    UK SST projects

    Hi Hesham, I don't think that can be called a project, as it says 'possible layout' in the picture. It's just some informed speculation on the part of the author. Starviking
  17. hesham

    Various Japanese civilian aircraft designs

    Hi, The Japanese company NAMC YS-12 was developed from YS-11 but powered by two Rolls Royce dart RDa 10s ,YS-31 was with two RDa 7s and the YS-12-4 was with four RDa 10 engines.
  18. flateric

    Lockheed 1983 study based on highly mutato, JT-69 2D TVC engined YF-12

    <...A study was conducted to determinehhe impact of integrated flight, inlet, and engine control system architectures on system effectiveness (safety, mission reliability, maintainability, dispatchability, and availability) and life cycle cost (LCC). The aircraft is a modified Lockheed YF-12...
  19. flateric

    Lockheed pre-ATF & ATF studies

    "Clearly, ATF was going to be superstealth and not a cousin of YF-12 or SR-71," explains Osborne. "I stopped the YF-12 derivative effort, and we started working on an F-117 derivative for ATF." The design submitted in the Lockheed proposal looked like a larger and elongated F-117 with some...
  20. flateric

    Lockheed ADP/NASA Langley 1990 Mach 4 - Mach 5 methane fueled aircraft studies

    AlAA 90-2151 Airframe/Propulsion Integration of Supersonic Cruise Vehicles J. Anderson Lockheed Advanced Development Projects Burbank, CA "...A system performance study was conducted by the Lockheed Advanced Development Projects (ADP) organization under a subcontract to Pratt & Whitney in...
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