strategic reconnaissance

  1. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  2. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome:
  3. Flyaway

    New 'Penetrating ISR' aircraft?

    Mostly about the history and future of the U-2 and RQ-4, but this article ends with this rather odd statement. Anyone have an idea what the author is on about here, or is this unsubstantiated speculation...
  4. hesham

    Messerschmitt Bf 110/161 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is a comparison between BF.161-V2 and BF.162-V2.
  5. fightingirish

    Lockheed A-12CB (Carrier based) project

    "Kelly" Johnson's concept of a carrier based A-12 for the US Navy. Remember Kellys unwritten and non-official rule according to the book "Skunk Works" written by Ben Rich: "Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. They don't know what the hell they want and will drive you up a wall...
  6. Triton

    North American A3J Vigilante

    Aircraft Familiarization A3J Vigilante (1962) United States Navy training film shows operating procedures of the North American A3J Vigilante on ground and in flight.
  7. fightingirish

    CIA Aircraft Projects

    This topic for built and unbuilt aircraft projects for the CIA, which are no longer in service. Video: View: Video: View: Video: View: Wikipedia -...
  8. Flitzer

    Hütter Hü 211 - Heinkel He 219 on steroids

    Any pics of the Hu211? Are the wings typical Hutter with a very wide span? I might just try a profile having been prompted by Carlos. :) Many thanks Peter
  9. O

    Avro 730 (Early Version) - 1/72 Scratchbuild

    Avro Excalibur R.1 "XP730" - 543 Squadron RAF - 1964 Scratchbuilt 1/72 scale Avro 730. This depicts the earlier 4 engine version that was submitted by Avro against Operational Requirement 330. The fuselage was built using a length of 1 inch conduit as a core, fitted with cross sections...
  10. Stargazer

    Weapons Systems 118P: the North American Aviation proposals

    Weapons Systems 118P called for high altitude reconnaissance aircraft proposals and was the forerunner of aircraft such as the B-70 Valkyrie and SR-71 Blackbird. Scott Lowther, a.k.a. Orionblamblam, had done a great deal of work to make the WS-118P proposals available on his blog and in his...
  11. quellish

    Compass Cope Engineering Challenges

    Relevant to current interest in high altitude
  12. overscan (PaulMM)

    Eyes in the Sky: Eisenhower, the CIA and Cold War Aerial Espionage
  13. C

    Lockheed CL400 Suntan

    My biggest question regarding the Lockheed Suntan program is why they bothered investigating hydrogen turbojets in the first place. The best advantage I can think of was the ability to achieve the desired speed and range with an airframe that was much lighter than anything else in its size...
  14. A

    Avro 730 kit from Fantastic Plastic (1:144 scale)

    Britain's Avro 730 supersonic bomber concept was the first kit produced by Fantastic Plastic. (It was released in October 2005). After being out of production for almost two years, I've brought it back as a new, improved model. Whereas the first kit was a simple "tabletop" model, Version 2.0...
  15. Orionblamblam

    Avro 730 in 1/144 now available

    The first model I did for Fantastic Plastic back in 2004 was the British Avro 730 bomber in 1/144 scale. Last year I was asked to re-visit the model. I completely rescribed it, added cockpit, landing gear and bomb bay details, and just generally improved the hell out of it. The first time...
  16. hesham

    Boeing Model-448

    Hi, I know that my dear Orionblamblam displayed a drawing to it before, but here is Boeing Model-448 in wind tunnel. Source: Charles D Bright The Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industry from 1945 to 1972
  17. XP67_Moonbat

    Unbuilt XB-70 projects and variants

    Here you go you, folks! Looking for art of the Convair shuttle for Orion and I found this. It's a good imagining of many uses for the XB-70 IF it hadn't stayed a prototype. Enjoy! ;D
  18. Jemiba

    Blue Streak based satellite transport system

    In 1959 G.K.C.Pardoe, Chief Coordinator/balistic missiles at DeHavilland Propellers Ltd. made several proposals to use the Blue Streak as the basis for a sattelite transport system. - The first shown would combine the Blue Streak with a solid propellant second stage, where the payload would have...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    I must preface this first look review by saying that, while I'm interested in space technology, its not my speciality, so I'm approaching this book from this angle. Bill Rose has put together a well written and nicely illustrated book on various military space projects. Its 192 pages long and...
  20. Michel Van

    Convair B-58 Projects

    strange in this forum is almost no info about B-58 version ! B-58 A the SAC bomber version we know B-58 B improved version - kingfish launch platform B-58 C Enlarged version and J-58 jetengine (for mach 3 ?) B-58 D long range interceptor B-58 E tactical strike aircraft and strategic bomber...
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