strategic reconnaissance

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Avro 730 and other OR.330 Reconnaissance/Bomber designs

    From "Were the Wrights Right?" by B R A Burns in Air International December 1983 The Avro design is the late 730 design, the other two designs were labelled as Handley Page and Vickers, but transposed (the Handley Page design is known from Secret Projects: Jet Bombers). The third design...
  2. P

    ‘North American General Purpose Attack Weapon’ - NAGPAW to Vigilante

    Hello gents I am looking to find some information on possibly one of the most advanced and powerful strike aircraft designed for its time, and yet possibly one of the least known and un-utilised designs in military aviation history – The design I am speaking of is the North American A3J (A-5)...
  3. C

    Boeing Global Patrol Aircraft for USN

    Hi Everybody! Chuck Anderson here!! Is anyone familiar with the following aircraft design, and if so, can anyone tell me where I can find further information? My original source was from an artist's conception appearing in an issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology in the 1980's. (I'm sorry...
  4. Orionblamblam

    Avro 730

    A supersonic bomber project out of Britain. This was the first model I mastered for Fantastic Plastic.
  5. Tuomasn

    Tupolev Tu-160 projects

    Thread to discuss Tupolev Tu-160 based projects.
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