strategic reconnaissance

  1. boxkite

    They Also Serve - RAF Reconnaissance and Support Projects Since 1945

    Have I missed something? Have I overlooked something? See Chris Gibson's (new?) Avatar ...
  2. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis This is nice :)
  4. Flyaway

    Applied witchcraft: American communications intelligence satellites during the 1960s

    Another cracking article from Mr Day.
  5. Flyaway

    Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission by Dwayne A. Day Monday, July 1, 2019 The first military/intelligence payload ever scheduled to fly aboard the Space Shuttle was a top-secret...
  6. Flyaway

    Black Ops And The Shuttle Black ops and the shuttle (part 3-1): Recovering spent HEXAGON reconnaissance satellites with the space shuttle by Dwayne A. Day Monday, December 11, 2017
  7. T

    Soviet balloon bombers et al.

    Hi all, some time ago I find a very brief description of soviet balloon bombers of the '50-'60; they intended to use them in the same way the American used the GENETRIX and MELTING POT balloons for recce flights over the USSR...
  8. Flyaway

    Black ZEUS: The top secret shuttle mission that never flew

    Rest on the link.
  9. C

    Soviet air defences and the SR-71

    Apparently the SR 71 was able to evade Soviet air defences simply because it travelled too fast. The reason I am interested in this is that there were proposals in 1960/61 for a British ramjet missile (OR 1182) which would fly at speeds in excess of M = 2 and at high altitude. A report was...
  10. Flyaway

    New 'Penetrating ISR' aircraft?

    Mostly about the history and future of the U-2 and RQ-4, but this article ends with this rather odd statement. Anyone have an idea what the author is on about here, or is this unsubstantiated speculation...
  11. O

    Avro 730 (Early Version) - 1/72 Scratchbuild

    Avro Excalibur R.1 "XP730" - 543 Squadron RAF - 1964 Scratchbuilt 1/72 scale Avro 730. This depicts the earlier 4 engine version that was submitted by Avro against Operational Requirement 330. The fuselage was built using a length of 1 inch conduit as a core, fitted with cross sections...
  12. Stargazer

    Weapons Systems 118P: the North American Aviation proposals

    Weapons Systems 118P called for high altitude reconnaissance aircraft proposals and was the forerunner of aircraft such as the B-70 Valkyrie and SR-71 Blackbird. Scott Lowther, a.k.a. Orionblamblam, had done a great deal of work to make the WS-118P proposals available on his blog and in his...
  13. A

    Avro 730 kit from Fantastic Plastic (1:144 scale)

    Britain's Avro 730 supersonic bomber concept was the first kit produced by Fantastic Plastic. (It was released in October 2005). After being out of production for almost two years, I've brought it back as a new, improved model. Whereas the first kit was a simple "tabletop" model, Version 2.0...
  14. Orionblamblam

    Avro 730 in 1/144 now available

    The first model I did for Fantastic Plastic back in 2004 was the British Avro 730 bomber in 1/144 scale. Last year I was asked to re-visit the model. I completely rescribed it, added cockpit, landing gear and bomb bay details, and just generally improved the hell out of it. The first time...
  15. Jemiba

    Blue Streak based satellite transport system

    In 1959 G.K.C.Pardoe, Chief Coordinator/balistic missiles at DeHavilland Propellers Ltd. made several proposals to use the Blue Streak as the basis for a sattelite transport system. - The first shown would combine the Blue Streak with a solid propellant second stage, where the payload would have...
  16. Michel Van

    Convair B-58 Projects

    strange in this forum is almost no info about B-58 version ! B-58 A the SAC bomber version we know B-58 B improved version - kingfish launch platform B-58 C Enlarged version and J-58 jetengine (for mach 3 ?) B-58 D long range interceptor B-58 E tactical strike aircraft and strategic bomber...
  17. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    BAC TSR2

    Flight's 9 April 1964 was a TSR.2 special issue, with lots of adverts and one of the first in depth articles. Front page Article through to...
  19. S

    Military Concorde

    Curious to know if Concorde was ever considered in a military role, maybe as a recce aircraft or cruise missile platform? Would this have been feasible?
  20. S

    Convair Super Hustler, Fish and Kingfish

    I woul like to know something about the kinfish proposal for a strategic recon aircraft (in the competition won by the lockheed a-12) and about the super hustler design. Unfortunately the only information i foud are in Russian (quite strange for united states secret projects)...
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