strategic reconnaissance

  1. R

    Alternative RAAF fleets.

    A comment in another thread abut how Australia should have transferred RAN A4s to the RAAF instead of selling them to New Zealand reminded me of a bunch of other Australian decisions. Meteor for Korean War service when we were building Nene-Vampires. Authorising 30 F104s in early 57, cancelling...
  2. D

    Republic Aviation Recoverable Booster Airplane proposal for SR-181 'Strategic Orbital System'

    from ARDC TR-59-64 Advanced Concepts Study, Final Report. from USAF FOIA reading room. (edit: PDF split & now attached) A JT11-7A powered Booster Airplane launches a rocket vehicle & satellite payload with two solid fuelled stages and a storable liquid propellant third and fourth stages...
  3. B

    Feasibility Study For A Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft - Hawker Siddeley Aviation Advanced Projects Group - 1962

    What it says on the tin...
  4. boxkite

    They Also Serve - RAF Reconnaissance and Support Projects Since 1945

    Have I missed something? Have I overlooked something? See Chris Gibson's (new?) Avatar ...
  5. Y

    A-12/SR-71 astro-inertial navigation system

    The A-12 and the later SR-71 used the NAS-14v2 astro-inertial navigation system (ANS) from the 1960s, which was particularly interesting in the pre-GPS times. The set apparently looked like this...
  6. T

    Project Verticon

    Hi, from the CIA archive (link) a detailed report about the Verticon project, a photo recce payload to be used with Aerobee rockets.
  7. Deltafan

    Dassault Albatros

    Hi, from the French magazine Le Fana de l'Aviation for the month of April (free Facebook page of the magazine):
  8. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis This is nice :)
  10. Flyaway

    Applied witchcraft: American communications intelligence satellites during the 1960s

    Another cracking article from Mr Day.
  11. CJGibson

    Strategic Air Command in the UK - Robert S. Hopkins III

    Robert's latest book has gone to print and should be available, alongside the man himself, on the Crecy Publishing stand at IPMS Telford on 9th November 2019. Strategic Air Command in the UK Throughout its 46-year history, Strategic Air Command (SAC) was inextricably linked to the United...
  12. Flyaway

    Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission by Dwayne A. Day Monday, July 1, 2019 The first military/intelligence payload ever scheduled to fly aboard the Space Shuttle was a top-secret...
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    CASC Caihong-7 (CH-7) UCAV

    Via Length 10m, wingspan 22m, MTOW 13t, cruise at 13km / 0.6Ma, Vmax 0.75Ma. Positioning: Strategic recognition and strikes high value targets. First flight 2019, serial production 2022.
  14. Flyaway

    Black Ops And The Shuttle Black ops and the shuttle (part 3-1): Recovering spent HEXAGON reconnaissance satellites with the space shuttle by Dwayne A. Day Monday, December 11, 2017
  15. Flyaway

    Public Release of SIGINT Phase II Records

    More on link below including the declassified documents themselves.
  16. T

    Soviet balloon bombers et al.

    Hi all, some time ago I find a very brief description of soviet balloon bombers of the '50-'60; they intended to use them in the same way the American used the GENETRIX and MELTING POT balloons for recce flights over the USSR...
  17. M

    B-45 Tornado - North American USAF Bomber - Best Book Recommendations?

    What's everyone's recommendations for the best book on this American Cold War bomber?
  18. Flyaway

    Black ZEUS: The top secret shuttle mission that never flew

    Rest on the link.
  19. C

    Soviet air defences and the SR-71

    Apparently the SR 71 was able to evade Soviet air defences simply because it travelled too fast. The reason I am interested in this is that there were proposals in 1960/61 for a British ramjet missile (OR 1182) which would fly at speeds in excess of M = 2 and at high altitude. A report was...
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    Spyflights & Overflights : Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance

    Nice-looking new title from Crecy/Hikoki from RC-135-pilot-turned-historian Robert S Hopkins III. Spyflights & Overflights Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance RRP: £29.95 Few aviation subjects have been shrouded in more secrecy or been more controversial than cold war aerial reconnaissance. Former...
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