strategic bomber

  1. C

    B-70 RCS Reduction Studies

    I can't find any images of this, but I've read about studies that were undertaken to bring the B-70's RCS down to that of the B-52. Plans called for 10-20 degrees of dihedral to be added to the wings, vertical tail-surfaces to be canted inward 10-20 degrees, as well as the addition of slanted...
  2. A

    Inertial Navigators in UK

    Who can flesh this lot out? 1954: Sperry/UK, licence from Sperry/US: intended for (to be) Blue Streak. Bracknell clean room. Abandoned for: 3/57: Elliott licence from Bosch Arma (ATLAS kit). Rochester clean room. B Streak died 13/4/60 but INS work continued for Blue Steel. 1957: Ferranti...
  3. Triton

    Myasishchev M-56

    Model of Myasishchev M-56 from USSR-Russian Aviation & Space Collectibles (Alex Panchenko). Description: Source:
  4. S

    Russian blackjack fun.... Is this just payback for all the times we did it to them over the years?
  5. F

    RAF Boeing Washington B.1 (B-29) with Grand Slam bombs

    I've looked thru every B-29 book I have or have seen & Googled with no luck. I've read that some of the B-29s sent to the RAF were equipped with racks at the wing roots to carry a Grand Slam bomb under each wing. ISTR also that some USAF a/c were modified as well. I've not been able to find pics...
  6. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
  7. flateric

    Tupolev 'Article 80' PAK DA bomber (Poslannik / Envoy)

    First published by RIAN on April 24
  8. S

    Military Concorde

    Curious to know if Concorde was ever considered in a military role, maybe as a recce aircraft or cruise missile platform? Would this have been feasible?
  9. flateric

    North American Rockwell / Boeing B-1 Lancer

    If someone happy to have hi-res version of these North American Rockwell PR drawings (NA-73-400, Rev 9-83), I would be very obliged for sharing them with me. Thank you.
  10. Skybolt

    B-70 supersonic cruise follow-on

    Browsing in the NASA technical reports I found a score of wind-tunnel tests regarding a supersonic cruise bomber that seems linked to some unknown B-70 follow on specification from late '50s (report is from 1961). Some photographic reproductions of the models are practically unviewable, but...
  11. overscan (PaulMM)

    AMSA Program & B-1 Bomber projects

    AMSA was said to stand for "America's Most Studied Aircraft" due to the length of time it took to get to flying hardware. Flying Review International, July 1970 I'm sure I've seen a Lockheed AMSA design, and Doug Richardson's B-1 book has 3 AMSA designs that may be the Rockwell evolution, but...
  12. A

    Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

    I was thinking for some time to put up this topic , Since B-2 is still a very classified aircraft may be there would be many grey areas which no one might be aware of , But may be we might end up getting to know more about this aircraft. The One thing that amazes me about this huge aircraft is...
  13. M

    Tupolev Tu-160 Avionics

    I am new, and an fan of airplanes since I was a little child. First of all congratulations to everybody for the great posted subjects. Now I would like to open a new topic to discuss about the following: Thread to discuss Tu-160 avionics. I am particularly keen to learn about navigation and...
  14. Tuomasn

    Tupolev Tu-160 projects

    Thread to discuss Tupolev Tu-160 based projects.
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