strategic bomber

  1. A

    Looking for a Stealth Bomber Survivability Study

    I am looking for a bomber survivability study that was available online maybe a decade ago. All I get now from searching is Abraham Wald and survivorship bias. There is a study entitled bomber survivability study or something like that. That one no longer comes up on search engines. I am not...
  2. C

    B-1 / B-52 Bombers for the United Kingdom?

    In a September 20, 2020 article posted on Wavell Room, defense and international affairs analyst Dr. James Bosbotinis examines the United Kingdom’s options for investing in long-range strike capability. One option briefly explored is for the UK to purchase surplus B-1 or B-52 bombers from the...
  3. U

    TU-160 Blackjack satelite image

    Good morning folks. I seem to remember back in the early 80's (1984 according to some research) there was a few satelite images released from a House Appropriations Committee of the MIG-29 and SU-27 on a runway during their respective developments (if I remember rightly) I also seem to remember...
  4. isayyo2

    No B-1: Alternative SAC's

    Inspired by the Projects that should have been killed at birth thread's recent conversation about the B-1s futility/utility I thought I'd make a "What If" thread if the AMSA/B-1 program never saw flight. So for whatever reason the AMSA program is not revived by the Nixon Administration...
  5. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet & B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution by Scott Lowther

    The famous B-52 Stratofortress has been in service with the USAF for more than 65 years and its iconic shape is known and recognised all over the world. Yet the B-52 and its predecessor, the B-47 Stratojet, started out looking very different indeed. Each aircraft was the end product of a lengthy...
  7. E

    A B-52 returns
  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis This is nice :)
  9. A

    Armed to the teeth: B-70 with underwing Skybolts and SRAM internally

    As said in the thread title. There were talks about combining the (equally doomed) Skybolt and Valkyrie. Except it ran into a very stupid issue: Skybolt had been build for subsonic release. Ok then, the B-70 would fly subsonically, launch the Skybolts and get ride of the pylons. And then it...
  10. flateric

    USAF to Retire B-1, B-2 in Early 2030s as B-21 Comes On-Line
  11. hesham

    Old book about; NA B-70

  12. Antonio

    Tupolev Tu‑160: Soviet Strike Force Spearhead Publication date: november 2016 Is this going to be just a revision of the original Red Star excellent monographic...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Evolution of the B-52

    Might maybe be of interest... US Bomber Projects #16 is an extra-sized volume covering the evolution of the B-52. Designs covered include: Boeing Model 444 A: A late war turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 461: An early postwar turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 462: A large six-turboprop...
  14. Mike Pryce

    TSR.2 - Fifty years after

    Today it is fifty years since the TSR.2 was cancelled: I'll be reflecting on this in the Trenchard Lecture I am giving at RAeS Cranwell next Monday, 13th, but it does always amaze me that we are still writing about it...
  15. Triton

    Boeing B-52J / B-52 Re-Engining

    "B-52 Re-engine Resurfaces As USAF Reviews Studies" Oct 10, 2014 Bill Sweetman | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report Source:
  16. uk 75

    RAF camouflage that never was

    A much reproduced painting of the RAF F111K from General Dynamics (it heads up the Wikipedia entry) shows the plane in a non-standard green and brown camouflage pattern. I had always put this down to artistic licence but then I found a similar colour scheme on the cover of the 1970 RAF Souvenir...
  17. uk 75

    Royal Air Force strike aircraft squadrons in the late 60s: plans versus reality

    I know that this is a well trodden subject but I thought that it would be interesting to compare the plans with what happened in reality. Ground Attack/Recce Squadrons It was planned to replace the Hunter with the 1154 Harrier in 8 squadrons: 2 in the UK, 2 in Germany, 2 in the Gulf and 2 in...
  18. F

    B-52 avionics

    Hello, I am air-enthusiast from Russia. Sorry for my bad English! Probably B-52 is the best strategic aircraft of the XX century. I especially interested in B-52 early variants and I have questions about the oldest "Buff"`s avionics. All the books I had read (Boyne, Davis & Tornborough...
  19. Spook

    Concorde-based bomber photo-manipulation

    Is there anyone who can ID this plane for me? Is this a fake Picture ?! Regards, AK
  20. Michel Van

    To wish B-52 a happy birthday

    man time goes by On April 15, 1952 the Prototype of B-52 rolled out Hangar at Boeing for 60 year B-52 is backbone of USAF strategic Bombing carry nuke during cold war , bomb vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbian back in stone age and NASA NB-52B Launch X-15, D-21, X-38, X-24, M2-F3, HL-10 ...
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