soviet navy

  1. Triton

    Soviet Navy Project 881 "Merkuriy" SSGN

    In the mid 1980s, the Soviet Navy determined that a new weapon system was needed to deal with the ever-increasing power of US Navy carrier battle groups. At the time, the Project 949 (Granit) and Project 949A (Antey), NATO reporting names Oscar I and Oscar II, nuclear-powered guided missile...
  2. Triton

    Project 1080 (Soviet Union)

    Soviet Navy Project 1080 ballistic missile cruiser. The intention was to create a land-attack capability similar to that offered by a US Navy aircraft carrier. Design work was begun in 1970 by Neva PKB. General Characteristics Displacement: 15,000 to 16,000 tons Length: 215 meters (705 feet)...
  3. flateric

    SSAN Project 1910 Kashalot / Uniform class

    1910 took part in recovery of the sunken SSGN Kursk Photos via Vitaly Kostrichenko (, KAF (
  4. T

    Malakhit design bureau - submarine projects

    Nice collection of model photos from a visit to the Malakhit design bureau here: Love the unbuilt Pr.958 SSN - thanks to a spherical bow sonar and a *massive* flank array immediately aft of the bow the torpedo tubes were not only angled in the manner...
  5. Hood

    Project 1840 Lima

    Does anyone have any more info or even pictures of this mysterious sub? I'm assuming it had some kind of research role like the Project 1710 Beluga and it did see some service with the Black Sea Fleet during the late 1980s. Any info much appreciated.
  6. Matej

    Yakovlev Yak-44E

    ASW and AWACS navy project. Related aircrafts are here:,353.0.html
  7. JAZZ

    Russian and Soviet Aircraft Carriers

    The Soviets had a number of stilborn aircraft carrier projects from the 1930's all the way through to the 1990's. One of the most studied was Project-72 dating back to WW-II (1943) I think. Other projects include Project-69A, Project-85 and Project 1123 (Moskova concepts) before getting to the...
  8. boxkite

    Lun (Project 903) missile-carrier WIG A nice video showing (among other things) the Lun Ekranoplan at its final resting place in Kaspisk(?).
  9. A

    Soviet Cruiser Projects

    Hi, somebody have information about this ship. Project 11990 test ship and Project 13040 Anchor. will be escort of nuclear power carrier.
  10. S

    Soviet unbuilt project battleship

    article in PDF (english)
  11. hesham

    Various Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) Projects

    Hi, a little known aircraft to MiG : MiG-115: was a single-turboprop staggered and unbraced biplane utility aircraft. MiG-125: light business jet powered by two Williams-Rolls FJ-44 turbofans engines.
  12. R

    Soviet unbuilt Naval projects

    For counter Ticonderoga Class, Soviet also want a new class fighting ship which could be build in scores. Afterall, the Kirov class is too expensive. So here we see a new class that looks nuch similar with Ticonderoga. [EDIT: Not a real project - MODERATOR]
  13. flateric

    OKB Korchagin Typhoon multirole carrier-based aircraft

    From Krylya Rodiny 6-2004. No timeframe of project was described.
  14. flateric

    OKB Korchagin KOR-70, proposed Yak-38 alternative

    Initiative design of Korchagin's OKB, multi-purpose 'sea working horse' VTOL, born as branch of Korchagin-Beriev (Bartini) VVA-14 cooperative work, was proposed as smart alternative to Yak-38, supported by hi-rank naval aviation staff, but killed by MAP (Ministry of Aviation Industry). Drawings...
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