royal swedish air force

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Saab B3LA trainer/light strike aircraft

    Estimated specs from Flight International, 7 October 1978 Length: 41ft Span: 33ft Wing gross area: 240 sq ft Empty Weight: 8,800lb Internal Fuel weight: 3,300lb Clean takeoff weight: 12,500lb Maximum payload: 6,600lb Max takeoff weight: 19,000lb Max wing loading: 79lb/sq ft Powerplant: 1 x...
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    SAAB B83 (RB83) ASM

    The B83 was allocated SKr 400 Million in 1977 for initial development. It was expected to arm the B3LA light fighter design, but was clearly adaptable to other designs. It used an imaging infra-red (IIR) seeker working in the 7-14 micron band and based on the seeker of the cancelled RB72 AAM. In...
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