royal canadian navy

  1. uk 75

    Canadian FFG 1960 design

    I am at it again. Looking through some old books I found an artist's impression of a 1960 Canadian design for a frigate carrying a Tartar system aft. It was described as a Tribal class frigate, so presumably was an early design for the Iroquois ships. It is a smart looking ship and very...
  2. Skybolt

    Grumman project list

    Hoping to stir upr some discussions (and undigging of half-forgotten infos) I post the Grumman projects list found in the Francillon's book (Putnam-Naval Insitute) on Grumman Corporation. As it's very well explained in the opening remarks, it is complete till G-128 and after veeeeery sketchy (to...
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