regia marina

  1. Dilandu

    Italian guided torpedoes of WW II

    Hello. I'm not sure this post should be right here, but it's the closest theme I found. Does anyone have any data about the radio-controlled torpedo that - according to some sources - was supposed to be used from P.108? According to available data, the aforementioned torpedo was developed in...
  2. P

    Italian Submarines 1895-Present

    What can the dozens of experts tell me about Italian designed and built submarines?
  3. Sherman Tank

    1930s Italian carrier aircraft projects

    Enrico Cernuschi and Vincent O'Hara's article on Italian aircraft carrier design ("Search for a Flattop: The Italian Navy and the Aircraft Carrier 1907-2007") in Warship 2007 has a passing mention of two mid-1930s proposals for carrier-based aircraft: the Caproni Ca.165 biplane fighter and a...
  4. hesham

    Gallinari Seaplanes ?

    Hi, does anyone know the Gallinari seaplanes of WWI ?,he was Italian designer .
  5. H

    1937 Italian Submarine Hunter

    Anyone have any more information about dimensions and speed of this 1937 Italian sub hunter of 1300 tons with anti-submarine float plane? Love to know more about the floatplane. 3x1 120mm; 4x1 20mm; 2x2 torpedo tubes; 4 depth charge throwers, and sonar...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Goeta-Caproni (Joint Caproni/Regia Marina effort [Submarines/other naval craft])

    Project G - 'Submergible motorboat', originally intended for coastal defence (a 'fighter' concept, armed with two 450 mm torpedoes), prototypes later modified for special operations with the 10th Light Flotilla [Decima Flottiglia MAS]. First batch (prototypes) CA 1 - Scuttled at La Spezia...
  7. Apophenia

    CMASA - Construzioni Mecchaniche Aeronautiche SA Designations

    C.M.A.S.A. - Construzioni Mecchaniche Aeronautiche SA Designations Rinaldo Piaggio began SCMP (sometimes 'SDCMP' for Societa di Costruzioni Meccaniche di Pisa) in 1922 to license Dornier designs. In 1929, SCMP joined the Fiat Group and, in 930, the name was changed to Construzioni Mecchaniche...
  8. hesham

    Romeo / IMAM Aircraft Designation

    Hi, a well known Italian company,which was formed in 1925,and in 1934 became IMAM,or simply Meridionali; Ro.1 licence built Fokker C.V,a two seat recce and bomber biplane Ro.2 to Ro.4 ------? Ro.5 two seat parasol wing sporting and training monoplane Ro.6 was a version of the Ro.5...
  9. hesham

    Italian Dive Bomber Projects

    Hi, here is the Fiat CR.44 fightere bomber project and two Caproni Vizzola dive bomber projects,also CANSA glider dive bomber project.
  10. E

    Ricci Bros Projects: between the aerial motorcycle and the flying transatlantic

    Something about the ricci brothers: Umberto Ricci, born in Verona on November 26, 1886 Ettore Ricci, born in Verona on November 30, 1888: they started their aeronautical career in 1905, building little hot air rigid airship models. After some free flight gliders, they built a triple-tandem...
  11. Triton

    Non-monohull forms (SWATH, catamarans, tri-marans)

    Many years ago I read about SWATH being the ideal hull form for future naval ships because of their superior seakeeping ability to monohulls. There stability made them ideal for carriers according to an article I read in Proceedings of the American Naval Institute. We breifly saw concept art...
  12. red admiral

    Ansaldo Ship Designs

    Many, many years ago a discussion forum for never-were ship designs was created called Warship Projects which is currently in version 3 here. I thought I'd post some of the more interesting projects here. This topic covers various designs by Ansaldo in Italy for Russia, Greece and Spain and the...
  13. M

    WW1 Torpedo and Demolition Boats

    Hi everbody I have found some ! Austro-Hungarian "(Hovercraft)" from 1915 It should be a torpedo boat or demolition boat with 1200kg warhead! Here are a few good Websites that describe the system...
  14. red admiral

    RN Francesco Caracciolo

    First post of a long topic about Italian battleship Francesco Caracciolo and the many designs for her in 1914-1919. A quick summary; A-series with 12x381mm guns B-series unknown? C-series definitive Caracciolo with 8x381mm guns in duples. What was actually built (but not finished) D-series with...
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