regia aeronautica

  1. Maveric

    Italian Heavy Fighters

    Hi all, in 1939 in Italy was a contest for a Caccia-Comattimento (Heavy Fighter) in wich eight projects were entered: 1) Macchi M.C. 301 2) Caproni-Bergamasca Ca.350 3) Romeo Ro.67 4) Fiat C.R. 50 and C.R.55 5) Bellomo C.B. 6) Santangelo C.S. 7) Savoia-Marchetti S.M.91 We know the Ro.67...
  2. Skybolt

    The real Re.2007 story

    Discussing the CC.2 in the Campini projects thread, the talk went on the Re.2007, a notorious fake. Since there is some interest in this and it seems that the "fekeness" ot the Re.2007 is not widely aknowledged, I give here a (somewhat lenghty explanation). Since we are in Secret projects, I...
  3. Skybolt

    Italian WW2 High-altitude bomber project

    Circa late 1942 Ing. Casiraghi, chief designer of Piaggio, worked on a project fro an high-altitude pressurized long range bomber. P-130 was powered by 4 Piaggio P XII RC 100 A DB-605 located on top of the bomb bay drove the compressor. Defensive weapons were two revolving turrets Breda Z on...
  4. R

    Aeronautica Umbra fighters

    Antonio Surfin in the web i found two of the non built projects from ing. Bellomo who worked for italian Aeronautica Umbra and create these fighter projects before italy get involved in the WWII. Both are twin engine fighters the illustrations were not good, but it´s better than nothing...
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