regia aeronautica

  1. U

    Question about Bonfiglietti's Carrier Project. According to the site above, there are several aircraft carrier plans planned by Regia Marina's Lieutenant General Bonfiglietti, does anyone know more about this?
  2. Regio Ammiraglio

    Bomba all'ossigeno Liquido (Liquid oxygen bomb)

    Hello to everyone. I'm looking for some info about the Bomba all'ossigeno liquido (in english Liquid oxygen bomb) that was an experimental Italian ww2 bomb for the Reggiane Re 2001.
  3. T

    Post Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe/Axis options

    Similar to the post-BoB RAF: what might've Luftwafe/RLM do after Autumn of 1940 in order to improve their standing, both in short-term (next 12 months) and long-term (a few next years). I've also included 'Axis' term here - mostly European Axis countries' air forces/services - since they can be...
  4. J

    Breda CC-20/CC-2000/CC-3000

    who can help me with sources who give more information/details of the CC-2000 and CC-3000. concerning these two I found only the information that is has to do with the total power of the engines. please real sources and not he told that he told!!!!! Thanks
  5. A

    Caproni Vizzola Sagittario Dive Bomber Project

    Hi, does anyone know the dimensions of the Caproni Vizzola dive bomber? I believe I saw it on the post "Italian Dive Bomber Projects". Unfortunately, I could not see the scans clearly. Thank you. Regards, Ankarus
  6. hesham

    Nardi Pre-1945 Aircraft and Projects

    Hi, Brothers Nardi were Italian designers formed their firm in early 1930s, as I think they began with FN.305,it was a single/two seat trainer and liaison low-wing aircraft of 1934/35,it appeared in four version,A to D, the FN.306 was developed from it as a Project,but no confirm on this. The...
  7. Dilandu

    Italian guided torpedoes of WW II

    Hello. I'm not sure this post should be right here, but it's the closest theme I found. Does anyone have any data about the radio-controlled torpedo that - according to some sources - was supposed to be used from P.108? According to available data, the aforementioned torpedo was developed in...
  8. blackkite

    Breda aircraft

    Hi! Breda Ba.27 "The Ba.27 was a low-wing braced monoplane with fixed tailwheel undercarriage. As originally designed, the Ba.27 had a fuselage of steel tube construction, skinned with light corrugated alloy metal, and wooden wings and tailplane...
  9. hesham

    Guidoni Early Aircraft and his Activities

    Hi, here is Guidoni early aircraft concepts,and his his activities in aviation about developed a floats to anther airplanes,in early period.,5/ricordi_di_idroaviazione,21.html
  10. Apophenia

    Gabardini/CANSA Designations

    Gabardini/CANSA Aircraft Designations After designing a radical catamaran flying boat in France in 1910, Giuseppe Gabardini returned to Italy in 1912 and set up Aeroplani Gabardini at Taliedo. In Dec 1913, Gabardini took over the Cameri facilities of AVIS (Ateliers Voisin Italie Septentrionale)...
  11. Apophenia

    CMASA - Construzioni Mecchaniche Aeronautiche SA Designations

    C.M.A.S.A. - Construzioni Mecchaniche Aeronautiche SA Designations Rinaldo Piaggio began SCMP (sometimes 'SDCMP' for Societa di Costruzioni Meccaniche di Pisa) in 1922 to license Dornier designs. In 1929, SCMP joined the Fiat Group and, in 930, the name was changed to Construzioni Mecchaniche...
  12. hesham

    Italian Dive Bomber Projects

    Hi, here is the Fiat CR.44 fightere bomber project and two Caproni Vizzola dive bomber projects,also CANSA glider dive bomber project.
  13. lucamax

    Fiat AS. 14

    Hi friends! I was looking for a 3-view of the Fiat AS.14, the bomber version of the seaplane Fiat R.S. 14. I didn't find anythig so I decided to do it by myself. I retouched a 3-view of the seaplane aircraft... I know that it's not a correctly and accurate draw, but I did mybest... I'd like to...
  14. archipeppe

    Piaggio P. 23R

    Here it is my personal contribution about the matter. Less known Italian prototype of mid-30's, born as record breaker (and eventually succeded in it) was also utilized as fake bomber during WWII in order to mislead Allies. During 1942 it was seriously considered as potential "America Bomber"...
  15. N

    CAB (Caproni Bergamo) AP.1, little-known version of the Ca.307

    Hi friends, On 'Ali antiche' (Ancient wings) # 91, house organ of GAVS (Gruppo Amivi Velivoli Storici, member of European Aviation Preservation Council and British Aviation Preservation Council) there is an interesting features with a picture (and some enhancement of others) depicting an unknow...
  16. F

    Piaggio P. 108C or maybe P.108T

    While surfing the net for info on a couple of other a/c, I found a side view of the P.108C here in this thread. It looks like a DC-4. I Googled the a/c & most of what I found was the 108C was a transport version of the basic P.108, which I already...
  17. E

    Ricci Bros Projects: between the aerial motorcycle and the flying transatlantic

    Something about the ricci brothers: Umberto Ricci, born in Verona on November 26, 1886 Ettore Ricci, born in Verona on November 30, 1888: they started their aeronautical career in 1905, building little hot air rigid airship models. After some free flight gliders, they built a triple-tandem...
  18. Maveric

    Caproni early aircraft

    Hi all, once again a question about Caproni... I don´t know project or not, but I search for pics or drawings of the following early Caproni aircraft Ca.52/Ca.54/Ca.55/Ca.78(sure project)/Ca.81(sure project)/Ca.88(real aircraft) and Ca.110(project). Thanks Maveric
  19. J

    Mysterious white rhombus on Savoia-Marchetti SM.82 wings

    From "Model Airplane International" October 2008
  20. archipeppe

    Italian "Mistel" concepts

    Dear Folks, I've found out some interesting information about a lanucher glider project which roughly resembles German studies about the so-called "Mistel" combination (even if also Germans, Russians and English has conducted a lot of experimentations with parasite concepts during '30s). The...
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