pre-world war ii

  1. Tzoli

    Greek Large Cruiser Design 1939

    Greek Large Cruiser proposal from DNC This warship is based on the Dido but on an enlarged hull. The DNC or Director of Naval Construction was assigned to create studies for a warship of the Hellenic Navy in 1939. Her...
  2. L

    U.S.Navy-BuAer Specification SD 112.14 (1938)

    The US Navy - BuAer Specification SD 112.14 ,soliciting bids for a twin engined VF -Naval Fighter- in 1938. This spec. produced the Grumman Model G-34 (XF5F-1) Brewster ,Seversky and Lockheed were also contending. Bids were asked from 13 companies. Is there any of the Naval Aviation specialist...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Goeta-Caproni (Joint Caproni/Regia Marina effort [Submarines/other naval craft])

    Project G - 'Submergible motorboat', originally intended for coastal defence (a 'fighter' concept, armed with two 450 mm torpedoes), prototypes later modified for special operations with the 10th Light Flotilla [Decima Flottiglia MAS]. First batch (prototypes) CA 1 - Scuttled at La Spezia...
  4. cluttonfred

    Before it was Logan International Airport...

    My grandfather, Charles Francis Hamel, passed away earlier this year at the age of 93. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy after Pearl Harbor and eventually became an officer and a pilot, flying a U.S. Coast Guard PBY Catalina on North Atlantic patrols in 1945. He got his start in aviation, however...
  5. Grey Havoc

    « Kaze Tachinu » ("The Wind Rises"): Miyazaki's new anime movie

    Going o/t but on a tangent:
  6. Cy-27

    Renard Aircraft Designations (Belgium - including R.S.V. & Stampe et Renard)

    Alfred Renard built a number of aircraft, mostly before the start of World War II. Alfred started on the ACAZ T-2 but his early substantial design input was at Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques (S.A.B.C.A.) before joining forces with Stampe and Vertongen. His main work for...
  7. Cy-27

    Blohm und Voss (Hamburger Flugzeugbau) Designations

    With the recent correspondence on BV designs,6272.15.html I though I would add my notes on the various types. Taken from various sources over years, most recently some old Air Enthusiast magazines and Manfred Griehl's Blohm und Voss...
  8. hesham

    Avro Manchester Variants,Origins and Projects

    Hi, from ; Profile Aircraft,Avro Manchester by Chaz Bowyer.
  9. Stargazer

    Early Antonov (OKA- and A-) designations

    OKA series no nbr. «Makaka» ("Macaque") training glider (1923) OKA-1 «Golub» ("Dove") sports glider (1924) OKA-2 sports glider (1925) OKA-3 sports glider (1928) ? «Standard-1» training glider (1929) OKA-5 «Standard-2» training glider (1930) OKA-6 «Gorod Lenina»...
  10. Jemiba

    Daimler Benz Aircraft Engines 1935 - 1945

    From "Der Flieger", August 1962, maybe interesting for one or two, as one-offs and projects are mentioned, too.
  11. J

    Early German gas turbine development as not to hijack the British thread! Let's start with a subject to which I hope to be able to make a meager contribution to: design constraints and philosophy behind design decisions. Hermione Giffard's PhD thesis and hopefully soon-to-be book "The Development and Production of Turbojet...
  12. P

    Spitfire's Forgotten Designer/Mike Roussel

    Any comments on this:
  13. H

    Blackburn B.29

    Anyone have a three view drawing of the Blackburn B.29 torpedo bomber? prior posting:,4519.msg35771/topicseen.html#msg35771
  14. Antonio

    US Navy specification SD 112 : Grumman F7F competition

    Does anybody know enything about the competition that led to the USN. I realized that I have nothing but the Boeing Model 374 rival design. Name and details of the request for proposals, contenders? Anything will be welcomed Antonio
  15. P

    Going to the moon (and elsewhere) on slide rules.

    As a slide rule addict (and, by way of disclosure, an ordinary member of the Oughtred Society), I'm well aware of the slide rule's proud history in aerospace design and research. Now we know that it almost certainly wasn't all done with slide rules - log and trig tables, mechanical calculators...
  16. hesham

    Early Consolidated XB-24 concept

    From my dear Scott site;
  17. hesham

    Stefan Malinowski Aircraft & Projects

    Hi, the engineering Stefan Malinowski was a Polish designer,he interested to modify airplane wings,began with Caudron G-3,as I think Type-I,followed by some modifications we can called it Type-II,the Stemal-III (Type-III) was an experimental airplane based on a fuselage of Nieuport 83 with a...
  18. Jemiba

    Junkers EF designations

    The same as for the "EFo" series, again all pictures (in low res only) are from Wolfgang Wagners book "Hugo Junkers. Pionier der Luftfahrt - seine Flugzeuge" EF 50 maybe racer or record aircraft EF 53 4-engined long range passenger aircraft EF 55 used to measure the effects of...
  19. airman

    Nakajima Ki-49 and Ki-58 « Donryu » ("Helen")

    Nakajima Ki-49 III with Nakajima Ha-117 of 2 420 hp: anyone have images and more info about it ?
  20. Stargazer

    Japanese Navy competition programs

    7試 7-Shi Twin-Engined Carrier Aircraft (1932) Mitsubishi 3MT5 and 3MT5A > Type 93 Land-Based Attack [first G1M] 7試 艦上戦闘機 7-Shi Carrier Fighter (1932) Mitsubishi 1MF10 Nakajima NC? NK1F? 7試 艦上攻撃機 7-Shi Carrier Attack (1932) Aichi AB-8 Mitsubishi 3MT10 / Ka-5 Nakajima [B3N]...
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