pre-world war i

  1. blackkite

    The IJA Kai-shiki, Mo-shiki, Sei-shiki and Ko-shiki aircraft

    Hi! I will post these aircraft.
  2. blackkite

    The Morita Aeroplane.

    Hi! The Morita Aeroplane. Source : ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JAPANESE AIRCRAFT VOL.8 KYUSHU CONTENTS Blog of Shinzo Morita's son about his father.(Four pages) Some strange duplication include in English explanation. Brief biography of Shinzo Morita by his son...
  3. JFC Fuller

    Pre WW1 Royal Navy Diesel Engines for Surface Ships

    Reading through threads on the All the Worlds' Battlecruisers forum I was struck by two covering Fisher/Vickers proposals for diesel powered capital ships, they ignited a memory I had of reading about a single cylinder diesel test unit Vickers had produced prior to the War that seemed relevant...
  4. hesham

    Adolphe Lachassagne Aircraft

    Hi, Mr. Adolphe Lachassagne began in 1912/13 to built a tandem wing airplane,called AL-1,and described as "automatically stable",followed by a AL-2 in same concept,the AL-3,AL-5 & AL-6 were a single seat low-wing ultra-light monoplanes,but with different engine,AL-7 was a tandem wing in new...
  5. Tzoli

    Argentinian Never-Were Warship Designs and Proposals

    Do you guys know any other never-weres or proposed warships for the Argentinian Navy? I know only these so far: TR-1400 class Submarines from the 1980's San Luis class Destroyers of 1910 (British built, finished as Aetos class for Greece) Mendoza class Destroyers of 1910 (Finished as...
  6. World B4

    Norwegian Battleships

    In 1905 there were rumors of the Norwegian aquiring two battleships from the Argentineans, via Peter Christophersen. They would have supposedly been named the Asbjornsen and the Moe. The questions I have are would they have just been the Independencia and Libertad, and if so what modifications...
  7. snark

    R.I.P. James F. Lansdale

    Posted in yesterday: Dear Members of, Once again, I am afraid it is my sad duty to inform you of the saddest news of all in this dark year of devastating loss for the aviation history fraternity. After a 22 year battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, our dear friend...
  8. Apophenia

    Fokker Alpha-Numeric Aircraft Designations

    Fokker Designation Style First World War Fokker Aircraft Designations While in Germany, Anthony Fokker's various corporate entities applied internal designations to aircraft designs. This early designation series began with 'M' for 'Militär' followed by an individual type number in Arabic...
  9. C

    Japanese 'dream project' battleships and never built battleships

    Hello people! I'm looking for information about the following projects, some pure paper projects, other more serious proposals never come to fruition: -Kaneda battleship: an alleged 1914 study by Commander Kaneda about an half million ton battleship armed with 100 41cm guns in 50 double turrets...
  10. P

    Italian Submarines 1895-Present

    What can the dozens of experts tell me about Italian designed and built submarines?
  11. hesham

    Etrich Aircraft

    Hi, Austrian Igo Etrich (1879-1967) was experimented in aeronautics from 1899. After working with engineer Franz Wels he made a tailless glider with backswept wings in 1907. 1909 Etrich "Nurflügel" (Only Wings) tractor monoplane 1909 Etrich Taube (Dove) tractor monoplane 1909 Etrich-Wels...
  12. hesham

    Polish Lesser Known Designers,Civil/Military Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, the designer Feliksa Brodowskiego (Brodowski) made a two-seat biplane fighter Project in 1925,the design was modeled on Breguet XIV aircraft,and called Jupiter, powered by one 400 hp Jupiter engine.
  13. Cy-27

    Hamilton Aeroboat 1914 Flying Boat

    In April 1914 the American magazine Aircraft reported that the Hamilton Aero Mfg. Co. of Seattle, Washington, were putting the finishing touches on an flying or aero boat with a completely closed cabin. It had a streamlined hull with the bow coming to a point while stern was tapered. The...
  14. Tzoli

    Romanian Naval Programmes

    These texts were from Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-1921 and 1922-1946 Late 19th century: The 1899 Naval Expansion Programme: My notes: The 4 built river monitors were ships of the Ion C. Bratianu class The 8 river torpedo-boats are the ships of the Capitan Nicolae Lascar...
  15. hesham

    Italian Little Known Light Aircraft

    Hi, here is a three little known light aircraft from Italy,the first called Bottini M.B.2,the second aircraft from Mr. Crisanti and the third was Fongri - De Grignani,does anyone one know more,but must be a little known ...
  16. hesham

    Guidoni Early Aircraft and his Activities

    Hi, here is Guidoni early aircraft concepts,and his his activities in aviation about developed a floats to anther airplanes,in early period.,5/ricordi_di_idroaviazione,21.html
  17. airman

    Japanese airships until 1945

    Anyone know something about japanese airships until 1945 ? I have found this article on j-aircraft :
  18. hesham

    Early German Projects & Prototypes

    Thank you Tuizentfloot, and please can you tell us about the projects in it?.
  19. Cy-27

    Macchi Designations (Aermacchi / Alenia-Aermacchi)

    Aermacchi was an Italian aircraft manufacturer. Established originally in 1912 as the Nieuport-Macchi S.A. by Giulio Macchi at Varese in north-western Lombardy. It was later known as Aeronautica Macchi S.p.A. During the firms formative years Macchi worked closely with engine designer Vittorio...
  20. hesham

    AEG Projects

    Hi, we can also here,speak about AEG projects,and we talk about AEG R-Project and R.II in this topic;,15020.0.html But,does anyone hear about AEG G.VI bomber project ?.
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