post-world war ii

  1. Triton

    Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger (Model 344) Photo of Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger (Model 344). Source:
  2. Stargazer

    Bendix Helicopters Model K "Whirlaway"

    After the experimental Models G and H, Bendix Helicopters, Inc. had a go at finding their place on the market of small-size helicopters with the Models J and K, which both received the name Whirlaway. Unfortunately Hiller had already invested the segment of coaxial rotorcraft, and there seemed...
  3. Stargazer

    Project RAND three-stage satellite (1947)

    This specification is intended to set forth the requirements for an unmanned artificial satellite, including the basic rocket. the payload, and the necessary ground and launching equipment. It is desired that a rocket craft be designed and constructed which will rise to an altitude at which the...
  4. B

    Ikarus post war projects

    After the war, Ikarus, Zmaj and Rogožarski factories were heavily damaged due to the Axis bombardment in 1941 but also after the Allied bombings in 1944. Most of the equipment was also gone and around 1000 of the workers perished in war. Luckily, the designers and technicians managed to keep...
  5. Grey Havoc

    MX-767 Banshee

    Has anyone come across any info on this project? This is what I have from the Missile Scrapbook over in
  6. jzichek

    Bendix Helicopters Model J « Whirlaway » and derivatives

    Check out this article on the Bendix Model J Four Place Helicopter: This co-axial, counter-rotating type helicopter was proposed to the US Navy Bureau of Aeronautics in 1946, which elected to pass on the design. The image gallery reproduces the original proposal document and features...
  7. Grey Havoc

    'Tanks are Mighty Fine Things'

    An interesting Chrysler Corporation P.R publication from the immediate Post-WWII period: H/t to Ordie over at who found this first.
  8. Stargazer

    Cierva designations

    I still have to finish my detailed Cierva list, but here is a rough version: SPAIN BCD-1* 'El Cangrejo' two-seat biplane (* Barcala, Cierva & Diaz) BCD-2* small racing tractor monoplane (* Barcala, Cierva & Diaz) C-3 (large biplane) BRITAIN C.1 Autogiro N°1 C.2 Autogiro N°2 C.3 Autogiro N°3...
  9. Hood

    Firestone XR-9

    The Firestone Aircraft Company, a subsidary of the tyre firm of the same name, took over the rights to some Pitcairn Autgyro Company designs. Firestone then developed the Model 45 which became the XR-9 two-seat helicopter. The Model 45B was designed to use a 126hp XO-290-5 piston engine, the...
  10. Stargazer

    Douglas ATA-A1: Another « Skybus » project !

    Ever heard of the Douglas « Skybus »? I can hear you from here: "Of course! That was supposed to be a much-enlarged airliner derivative of the XB-42 Mixmaster..." Well, yeah. But no. Not THAT Skybus. A couple of days ago I came across this eBay item, an article about ANOTHER Douglas Skybus...
  11. Grey Havoc

    Early Cluster Bombs

    WWII German SD2 'Butterfly Bomb": A nasty piece of work (and it wasn't always the enemy on the receiving end!). From the second link:
  12. N

    USAAF Heavy Cargo and Troop Transport competition

    Hi All! In early 1946, USAAF issued a preliminary specification for a 50,000 pounds payload Heavy Cargo and Troop carrier type aircraft. My opinion these manufacturers were participating of this competition: Fairchild Model 99 Lockheed Model L-168 Martin Model 240 (?) (?)...
  13. Steve Pace

    Curtiss Wright XF-87 "Blackhawk"

    In search of a color photo of the CW XF-87 "Blackhawk." -SP
  14. Z

    The other UK

    Abraham makes a valid point on another thread about what the UK OrBat would look like if things had been different from the end of WWII. SO I think rather than hijacking an existing thread perhaps it would be better to start afresh. Now Abe makes the case that the UK could have left the nuclear...
  15. Z

    RN post war carrier conundrums

    November 1945 Deputy Controller indicates that nine CVs would be needed for 1950. This being at that time the three Ark Royal Class and the other six being Illustriouses. At wars end HMS Eagle is 23% completed. Fifth Sea Lord considered the Illustriouses not worth modernising, the money better...
  16. F

    SNCASE (Sud-Est) SE.1010

    Trying to find any information about postwar SNCASE warplane projects here, i'm find out that there is no information about SE-1010, high altitude reconnaissanse plane. It looks very close to Republic XF-12 Rainbow. Here some information about SE-1010. First flight was made by Jacques LECARME...
  17. magnus_z

    Soviet space art (1940s - 1950s)
  18. Steve Pace

    Northrop F-89 Scorpion series

    Here's a color shot of the XF-89 (46-678) with Fred C. Bretcher in the cockpit.
  19. JFC Fuller

    Worcester class with triple turrets.

    The Worcester class were laid down for the USN at the very end of WW2 and ultimately only two entered service. Conceptually they were very similar the 6 inch cruisers being considered for the RN at the time in that they carried rapid firing DP guns. The ships had a rather awkward layout of 6...
  20. Triton

    Soviet Navy Project P-2 combination submarine

    In 1949 a preliminary draft for a missile submarine designated Project P-2--to strike enemy land targets--was drawn up at TsKB-18 (later Rubin) under chief designer FA Kaverin. The submarine was to have a surface displacement of almost 5,400 tons and carry 12 R-1 ballastic missiles, a Soviet...
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