nuclear battlefield

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Convair F-106 Projects

    F-106 "Fighter Bomber" One proposal based on two seat F-106B with 3 x KA-8 cameras and ECM pods. F-106A "Economy Fighter Bomber" New search and bombing radar and nuclear capability. IFR socket in front of windshield. MTOW limited to 40,000lb to remain compatible with existing landing gear...
  2. A

    Early Mirage III competitors (1953-1956)

    The Mirage III was the winner of a competition for a multirole, mach 2 fighter. Its only two competitors were the rocket-powered Trident II, and the Durandal which was quite similar to the Mirage, with a frontal air intake. The Trident was eliminated as too specialised, and the Durandal because...
  3. Sentinel Chicken

    Avro CF-105 Arrow and its variants

    In AJ Jackson's book Avro Aircraft since 1908 reference is made to a predecessor design to the CF-105 Arrow that would have used two stacked turbojet engines (like the EE Lightning), a swept delta wing and conventional tailplane. This is the first I've heard of such a proposal and am wondering...
  4. P

    EE Canberra, Evolution, Variants and Projects

    I was thinking the other day, 'did the British ever think of, or look at a carrier-based variant of the English Electric Canberra light bomber'? Does anyone know an answer to this? Regards Pioneer
  5. sferrin

    U.S. Navy Typhon Warships

    Having been home ported at Port Hueneme, California since 30 November 1948, Norton Sound stood out to sea in June of 1962 bound for Norfolk, Virginia and ultimately to Baltimore, Maryland. She arrived at Norfolk, Virginia and was decommissioned on 10 August 1962, and was later towed to Baltimore...
  6. P

    ‘North American General Purpose Attack Weapon’ - NAGPAW to Vigilante

    Hello gents I am looking to find some information on possibly one of the most advanced and powerful strike aircraft designed for its time, and yet possibly one of the least known and un-utilised designs in military aviation history – The design I am speaking of is the North American A3J (A-5)...
  7. Skybolt

    Martin Model 316: XB-68 Tactical Bomber

    As you all know, in the unbuilt projects research business, squeezing stone sometimes gives intriguing info... Looking last night to the Martin projects list at the end of Narkiewicz/Thompson (publisher) book, I suddenly realized that the XB-68 bomber bore the 302A project number, BUT the...
  8. P

    Strategic Weapons Launcher (SWL)

    ‘Strategic Weapons Launcher’ “SWL” 1n the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the US became very concerned about the growing accuracy of the Soviets new and future ICBM’s and SLBM’s. This accuracy would threaten the Strategic Air Commands (SACs) fixed ICBM silo fields in a ‘first strike’. The USAF...
  9. sferrin

    ASALM (Advanced Strategic Air-Launched Missile)

    Stumbled onto this photo today so I thought I'd start a thread about ASALM (the first photo). Any info and images would be appreciated (already checked out Andreas' page).
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ryan Model 38, 84, 112, 115: VATOL Fighters for the USAF and USN

    See the source document for more details... Source: Bernard Lindenbaum, V-STOL Concepts and Developed Aircraft Volume 1 - A Historical Report (1940-1986)
  11. SOC

    Lockheed A-12 and SR-71 projects

    SENIOR CITIZEN is supposed to be some sort of stealthy transport for special ops stuff. Here's some info on a few unbuilt SENIOR CROWN variations: SR-71I 30 September 1980 iteration: -AWG-9 radar -four AIM-54 missiles -anti-AWACS tasked 1 November 1982 iteration: -APG-65 radar -four AIM-120...
  12. P

    Martin P6M Seamaster

    In 1952 the US Navy put out a Request for Proposal to the US Aircraft industry asking for an advanced jet-powered 'Fast Mine-Laying Maritime Patrol Flying Boat' The winner of this RfP was Martin with their P6M-1/2 SeaMaster design. Unfortunatly this design did not go into full production, and...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Avro 730

    A supersonic bomber project out of Britain. This was the first model I mastered for Fantastic Plastic.
  14. TinWing

    Sea Wolf and Sea Dart: Unbuilt Derivatives and Cancelled Applications

  15. overscan (PaulMM)

    Advanced Harrier Projects

    Thanks to Evan, heres a nice PDF of a British Aerospace Harrier II Plus brochure showing it in RN colours.
  16. A

    Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

    I was thinking for some time to put up this topic , Since B-2 is still a very classified aircraft may be there would be many grey areas which no one might be aware of , But may be we might end up getting to know more about this aircraft. The One thing that amazes me about this huge aircraft is...
  17. Tuomasn

    Tupolev Tu-160 projects

    Thread to discuss Tupolev Tu-160 based projects.
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