I can't find any images of this, but I've read about studies that were undertaken to bring the B-70's RCS down to that of the B-52. Plans called for 10-20 degrees of dihedral to be added to the wings, vertical tail-surfaces to be canted inward 10-20 degrees, as well as the addition of slanted...
North American YAT-28E model manufactured by Topping found on eBay.
URL: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Topping-North-American-YAT-28E-Desk-Model-/200623021654?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb6105e56
6th special operations squadron
afcon 1st air commando wing
cold war
united states air force
united states army
united states navy
vietnam war
Just put up a new article at RetroMechanix.com on a P-51D Mustang which was tested with a pair of unusual streamlined 150 gallon ferry tanks at Eglin Field, Florida in 1944-45:
The object of the tests was to determine the safe ferry range of the P-51D airplane. The article features 20 photos...
Weapons Systems 118P called for high altitude reconnaissance aircraft proposals and was the forerunner of aircraft such as the B-70 Valkyrie and SR-71 Blackbird. Scott Lowther, a.k.a. Orionblamblam, had done a great deal of work to make the WS-118P proposals available on his blog and in his...
cold war
high altitude
jet age
strategic air command
strategic reconnaissance
united states
united states air force
the North American/General Aviation GA-38X was three engined
low-wing medium transport aircraft project of 1932,powered by
three P&W Wasp engines.
North American Aviation X-15 model by Topping
URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/X-15-Rocket-Plane-Contractor-Model-USAF-NASA_W0QQitemZ250561548077QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3a56a1cf2d
The sum total of my knowledge on this craft comes from this single illustration, found in the Boeing Historical Archives. It’s a 1965 drawing of a rocket/scramjet vehicle that made use of a few X-15 bits and pieces. Clearly it was designed to test high-speed airbreathign systems ina stepwise...
...On the Big Gemini threads, on the family tree for the Gemini program and its proposed offshoots, the "Lucy" of the tree is a drawing of what spawned into Gemini, the "Mercury Mark II". Anyone got any diagrams or sketches of what got this particular ball rolling? How much of a simple...
cold war
convair astronautics
early 1960s
late 1950s
mcdonnell aircraft corporation
norair astro systems and research laboratories
space age
space race
space station
united states
Greetings All,
As promised in my earlier post on the commercialized Martin Mars in the Early Aircraft Projects subforum, here is information on the second issue of the American Aerospace Archive covering the navalized derivative of the F-107A, the North American FJ-5:
The NAA FJ-5...
hell yeah, another Cool edition of eAPR is coming ;D
already eAPR V2N1 had fantastic in deep look on Project Pluto !
V2N2 will have the North American 1947 study of a Nuclear Ramjet
This 1947 Ramjet is a unique design of chemical-nuclear ICBM
Scott can you...
Hi! Any one has the 3-view drawing of this North American Vigilante mock up? This mock up is historically and technically very important because this is mother shape of MIG25,F-15 and FA-18,etc. And please show me the reason why North American chose single vertical tail stabilizer design.
Aside from this single artistic rendering I have not seen any other documentation of this X-15 design concept. Was this merely a single artistic exercise or were there actually design studies, drawings, plans etc... to back it up?
I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before.
Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV
Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
chemical powered bomber
cold war
general electric aircraft engines
heavy bomber
nuclear battlefield
strategic air command
strategic bomber
strategic reconnaissance
united states
united states air force
Hi folks,
A new thread for and unknown, secret or rare North American P-51 Mustang variants. I'll start off by including what may have been the ultimate Mustang:
This was supposedly a proposal that North American had come up with in case the war had continued. As you can see, it had...
The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything.
Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
bell aircraft corporation
cold war
douglas aircraft company
jet age
national advisory committee for aeronautics
office of naval research
republic aviation corporation
space age
space race
united states
united states air force
united states navy
wright air development center
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