nazi germany

  1. XoXSciFiGuy

    The Mystery of U-530

    At the end of World War 2, the U-boat U-530 surrendered at Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the time, it was commanded by a very young lieutenant in the Kreigsmarine. The problem was this U-boat took far longer to reach Argentina than it should have, and when it finally arrived in July 1945, the...
  2. hesham

    Fieseler Projects

    Hi, here is a Fieseler P.29,P.30 and Fi.333,also P.35; P.29 was a military transport Project,intended to compete Arado Ar.232,led to develop Fi.333 P.30 was an unconventional military transport Project,later became Fi.333 P.35 was initial design for Fi.103...
  3. hesham

    Junkers Ju 287, Developments, Projects and Prototypes

    Hi, The previous really picture was for EF-131 V2 six engined bomber, and a drawing to it with wind-channel model.
  4. W

    Heinkel P1078c

    Hello everyone, In the Dan Sharp magazine on 'Luftwaffe, secret jets of the third reich' there is a picture of the original drawing of the Heinkel 1078 entry for the report compiled in advance of the 1-TL Jager meeting of february 27-28, 1945. I bought a copy of the magazine. Really nice. Just...
  5. J

    Junkers EF-130 speculative drawings

    - Junkers / DFS EF-130 A four engine heavy bomber of ‘Uralbomber’ class designed in the autumn of 1944 to compete against the Arado E-555, the BMW ‘Strahlbomber Projekt II’, the Horten Projekt 18 (23/2/1945) and the Messerschmitt P.1108. It had a pressurised cockpit for a crew of three...
  6. Nick Sumner

    Atlantik bomber kreuzer

    Over on this facebook discussion group Someone named Stefan Bachi has posted the following drawings under the title ATLANTIKBOMBER-KREUZER and GROßER Atlantikbomber-Kreuzer. I find them, erm... surprising, just wondered if anyone knew more about...
  7. T

    Did the German 3,7 cm Flak SK C/36 exist?

    I am currently researching the history of automatic cannon and their ammunition and would appreciate some help with an obscure German naval AA gun: the 3,7 cm Flak SK C/36. I have put down my thoughts on this almost unknown project as follows: The evidence in favour of its existence is as...
  8. U

    Panzerjäger E-20

    Panzerjäger E-20 :eek:
  9. Grey Havoc

    Secret Axis Flights

    (also mentions efforts planned or actually attempted with the Ju 290, Ju 390, and the Ki 77. Overlooks the Me 264 though.) The Rome-Tokyo flight was arguably one of the Regia Aeronautica's finest hours, though unfairly forgotten.
  10. S

    panzerschiff concept any original drawing regarding the admiral graf spee conception and why it was fitted with that tower? was this tower decided to be fitted in this ship from the start?
  11. mackeebryanee13

    Bigger 10.5cm Panzerschreck “Panzertod” Jawohl

  12. V

    I-400 sized German U-boat projects from WW2?

    The I-400 was the biggest ever submarine built in WW2 and the largest until the advent of the nuclear powered ballistic missile subs, but the Regia Marina is not known to have built any gigantic submarines because it was pounded big time in the November 1940 Battle of Taranto. However I wanted...
  13. T

    Porsche gas turbine for kingtiger

    Hello for all. The is are picture of drawings in W. J. Spielberger book, showing Porsche proposals to install a gas turbine into a Kingtiger hull. Is this an different early proposal for AFV gas turbine use ? Different than GT 101- 103 series ? Tomi
  14. GWrecks

    Large flakturms/flak tower batteries

    I'm not entirely sure if this would go here since it's a building project rather than a land vehicle, but I thought It was the best place to ask... According to the Wikipedia article on flak towers: Is anyone here knowledgeable on these proposals? Were official plans ever drawn up for them...
  15. Michel Van

    Messerschmitt Designations until 1945

    Known Messerschmitt Projects Numbers P.1091 a modified Me 109 G with Daimler Benz 605A & turbo loader P.1092 Jet Fighter with one Jumo 004C engine and arrow wing P.1093 unknow P.1094 unknow P.1095 that became Me328A There indication that number 1092 to 1095 was part design for one single...
  16. Avimimus

    Breitspurbahn three metre gauge railway

    I'm putting this here under the thin justification that some of the cars were to be defensively armed, there were plans to transport small warships with it, and it could fill a logistics role similar to the Reichsautobahnen. However, I really just wanted a thread somewhere to discuss this. Some...
  17. airman

    Japanese Focke Wulf fw 200

    The history about it i can see it : Anyone have more about it ?
  18. Foo Fighter

    Unbuilt German AFV.

    I hope I am posting this thread in the correct location. I have a long term research project which deals with the development of tanks and other AFV from just before to just after WWII. I am looking in particular at the ethos of various national development directions engine, armour and...
  19. W

    Plans for Conventionally-Triggered/Boosted Fusion Weapons, Germany WW2?

    Hi folks, Embark on this with some trepidation (speaking as a firm sceptic about claims that Nazi Germany came anywhere near developing a functioning nuclear weapon or even knowing how such might be done) but digging around for stuff on Richard Rhodes and the Japanese nuclear efforts, I found...
  20. W

    Luft’46: Earth 2 – What If Different Designs Had Been ‘Napkinwaffen’?

    Hi folks, Maybe this really belongs in 'The Bar' but just indulging in a little alternative history speculation, I wonder what might have happened if what are to us genuine American, Soviet and British 1930s-1940s designs such as (e.g.) the Tremulis ‘Zero’ Fighter, the Lockheed L-133, the...
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