
  1. XP67_Moonbat

    Vintage X-15A-3 Desk Model On eBay

    VINTAGE FACTORY NORTH AMERICAN NASA X-15 X-15A-3 DESK MODEL PROTOTYPE DELTA WING Item description from the seller: This vintage factory desk model of the North American Aviation X-15A-3 Delta wing prototype. This was a proposal to achieve Mach 8, the project was cancelled in 1962. Fairly large...
  2. E

    Vast releases design of Haven-2 commercial space station
  3. The K2

    Astronaut Joe Engle passes away Didn’t see anything on the evening news on TV about this. Sad.
  4. Grey Havoc

    Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer / Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE / NEOWISE) Incidentally, there is a comet named in honor of it:
  5. Grey Havoc

    Lunar Celestial Reference System / Lunar Coordinate Time
  6. southwestforests

    NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon

    Hey Y'all; just saw this, NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon News By Samantha Mathewson published 18 July 2024 With crewed Artemis launches on the horizon, NASA is searching for sustainable solutions for waste management during long-term missions on the moon...
  7. bercr

    Space Shuttle Orbiter OV-101 Enterprise - Flickr album - About 300 Hi-Res period photographs
  8. Flyaway

    Gemini Lost and Found

    Gemini Lost and Found View:
  9. Grey Havoc

    Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercise
  10. F

    Martin Marietta SSTO ( Space Shuttle Competitor)

    I am doing research regarding Martin Marietta Single stage to Orbit vehicle. I have not found much information online and was wondering if anyone had any information. All I have found is the NASA Contractor report. Thank you
  11. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me.
  12. E

    Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space

    Available now.
  13. Flyaway

    Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO)

    Thought I better start a thread for this now. NASA Awards Advance Technologies for Future Habitable Worlds Mission
  14. Flyaway

    Vigil Solar Observatory - ESA

    NASA’s Heliophysics Experiment to Study Sun on European Mission
  15. athpilot

    McDonnell Douglas X-33 SSTO Reusable Launch Vehicle

    "Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). McDonnell Douglas submitted a vertical landing configuration design which used liquid oxygen/hydrogen engines. NASA considered design submissions from Rockwell, Lockheed Martin, and McDonnell Douglas. NASA selected Lockheed Martin’s...
  16. TheKutKu

    Euclid ULLV SSTO

    I stumbled upon this while reading Edward Hujsak's 1994 The Future of U.S. Rocketry. ULLV stands for "Ultra Large Launch Vehicle" This is a concept by the "Perigee West Company of La Jolla, California", which Edward Hujsak happened to be the president of, the company got several hundred...
  17. N

    F-117X Remora

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here. For months I have been fascinated by the fictional "F-117X Remora" from the film Executive Decision. In the movie's lore, the Remora was originally created by ARPA (Now DARPA) for the space program, to conduct supersonic low-orbit link ups with the...
  18. Michel Van

    Keyhole satellite projects

    This here is overview of several projects for NRO Keyhole Spy Sats like DORIAN, SPARTAN, SAMOS or FULCRUM MOL aka KH-10 DORIAN KH-11 KENNEN The SPARTAN reconnaissance satellite program Proposal to use NRO camera on Apollo Mission Source material...
  19. Flyaway

    Boeing sued by Wilson Aerospace

  20. uk 75

    Moon 1970s

    As the US looks to go back to the Moon with Artemis my question here is, what might have been feasible in the 1970s to keep the US sending manned expeditions to the Moon? Clearly, the main obstacle was a political one. With no Soviet manned lunar programme once the US had got to the Moon first...
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