
  1. RAP

    Boeing-Lockheed Space Shuttle Concept?

  2. T

    Lockheed F-12B; new & improved???

    This document has already been referenced in this forum, but I will include the link anyway because it is a very concise summary of the Air Force's search for a truly new advanced fighter: Lyons, Major Robert P. Jr. (3 April 1986) "The Search for an Advanced Fighter: A History from the XF-108...
  3. hesham

    Lockheed Ring-Wing Projects

    Hi, in article about Lockheed projects in Luftfahrt 2/1983,there is a section about ring wing aircraft,they displayed some Lockheed Models and aircraft,I am not sure of all of those 5 drawings to Lockheed or not,some help please.
  4. fightingirish

    Lockheed A-12CB (Carrier based) project

    "Kelly" Johnson's concept of a carrier based A-12 for the US Navy. Remember Kellys unwritten and non-official rule according to the book "Skunk Works" written by Ben Rich: "Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. They don't know what the hell they want and will drive you up a wall...
  5. overscan (PaulMM)

    Lockheed CL-795 : P-3 strategic missile platform

    Source: http://home.comcast.net/~wmiipms/NewsLetters/1994/WMIIPMS_01-1994_NL.pdf
  6. Stargazer

    Lockheed MQM-105A « Aquila » (RPV-STD program)

    I really thought we already had a topic on this one, but after several unfruitful search attempts I guess I must have been wrong. Useful sources: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a263514.pdf http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a068345.pdf...
  7. pedrospe

    MRF (Multi Role Fighter)

    Hi everyone,remember the MRF(multi role fighter) program from the 90`s, the one canceled in 1993? Thanks to all of your pictures posted here in the forum, i build two years ago a model of one of the proposals for that program,the one from McDonnell Douglas which was one of my favorite designs,so...
  8. Triton

    Lockheed TerraStar

    http://s3.e-monsite.com/2010/12/31/38909267terrastar-marginal-amphibian-of-lockheed-pdf.pdf Source: http://www.offroadvehicle.ru/AZBUCAR/Lockheed/Lockheed%20txt.html http://www.amphibiousvehicle.net/amphi/Lb_Lz.html...
  9. M

    KC-135 Competitors

    Greetings All - I recently acquired a copy of Aerofax "Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker" by Robert Hopkins III. In the book, he notes that Lockheed "won" the competition for the KC-135 though Air Research Development Command, with Lemay's concurrence, had already ordered 29 (followed by 88 more) of...
  10. hesham

    Lockheed C-130 Hercules Prototypes, Variants & Projects

    Hi, The Lockheed had old project called C-130J,it was developed from C-130E with increase aileron and rudder chords,wider u/c track,improved braking system and additional armoured protection; do you have a drawing to it ?,(of course I know there was a new project to lockheed in 1996 called...
  11. S

    Lockheed C-5C Space Cargo Transportation System (SCTS)

    Of mild interest to those of us in the UK is that Space Cargo modified C-5C 80216 arrived at Mildenhall yesterday. The aircraft (along with 80213) has been subject to a degree of interest over the years in connection with various projects, alleged Boscombe Down debris retrieval etc and rarely...
  12. Triton

    Lockheed L-300

    Photograph of Lockheed L-300, a civilian version of the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter. Source: http://www.codeonemagazine.com/article.html?item_id=34
  13. hesham

    Lockheed Constellation projects

    Hi, the Lockheed L-1449 was a redesigned version of Super Constellation but had a block speed 70 mph faster than any aircraft of 1955.,it had a new thin wing and powered by four P&W PT2 turboprops,many other alternative engines was available...
  14. Steve Pace

    Lockheed F-12B Model

    Before they were canceled Lockheed recieved an order for 93 production F-12B LRIs to serve in the USAF Air Defense Command. I believe this photo from LM illustrates what a production F-12B would have looked like.
  15. Triton

    Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck

    Vintage Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck URL:http://cgi.ebay.com/VINT-LOCKHEED-SMITH-MILLER-HYBRID-MISSLIE-LAUNCH-TRUCK_W0QQitemZ300386611364QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDiecast_Vehicles?hash=item45f06ff0a4 Description:
  16. Steve Pace

    Lockheed M-12 and D-21

    Inflight photo of the number one M-12 and a D-21 in a captive carry test flight and two more (A-12T) and an A-12.
  17. F

    Lockheed C-5A Galaxy Variants ans Proposals

    does anyone have any three views and cross sections views of the C-5
  18. C

    Lockheed FX / Tactical Fighter Designs (Alternatives to the F-15)

    Overscan: your satisfaction is very important to all of us! Attached is no. 53 of the (Qty. 91) Lockheed CL-1000 studies. Planform is clearly derived from other, then-operational Lockheed products. Please note this late 1960s project is unrelated to the 1942 L-1000, which was the turbojet...
  19. hesham

    Lockheed VLST Very Large Subsonic Transports aircraft

    Hi, here is some aircraft and one airship fpr the Lockheed-Martin as VLST Very Large Subsonic Transports aircraft,notice the Lockheed-Dornier one. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19960023624_1996039479.pdf
  20. C

    Lockheed CL400 Suntan

    My biggest question regarding the Lockheed Suntan program is why they bothered investigating hydrogen turbojets in the first place. The best advantage I can think of was the ability to achieve the desired speed and range with an airframe that was much lighter than anything else in its size...
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