late 2010s

  1. Flyaway

    Saudis says Iranian ballistic missiles launched from Yemen
  2. O


    Turkish TAI has just showed concept drawing of HURJET advanced trainer/light attack plane. This aircraft being developed with American SNC; which is also eleminated from USAF T-X contest
  3. Grey Havoc

    North Korean 2020 SSN program?
  4. Triton

    Krylov "Briz" Corvette

    "Krylov Center Presented Long-Range Corvette Concept with 24 Caliber CMs" 24 August 2017 23:25 Source:
  5. M

    Rome and Paris might design their own anti-missile frigate
  6. V

    Modern Chinese destroyer breaks down in the Indian Ocean

    A PLAN destroyer, 173 Changsha , of Type 052D , broke down in the Indian Ocean on the way to the Sino-Russian naval exercise "Joint Sea 2017". She is one of China's latest destroyers Another destroyer, the 174 Hefei, of the same class has replaced it. Destroyer 173 Changsha , frigate 571...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Oliver Hazard Perry class Frigate reactivation proposal (2017) Hmmm.
  8. M

    Chinese PLAN has launched the first Type 055 (Renhai) class DDG

    3 more currently under construction
  9. Flyaway

    Google's Sergey Brin is building the world's biggest airship
  10. S

    Think faster: advantages of quantum processing shown in head-to-head race

    Think faster: advantages of quantum processing shown in head-to-head race scientists show a clear advantage to a prototype quantum processor over a classical processor in solving a machine learning algorithm A prototype quantum processor repeatedly beat a traditional, classical processor in a...
  11. S

    Chinese scientists make quantum leap in computing

    Xinhua, May 3, 2017 Adjust font size: Chinese scientists have built world's first quantum computing machine that goes beyond the early classical -- or conventional -- computers, paving the way to the ultimate realization of quantum computing beating classical computers. Scientists announced...
  12. dan_inbox

    China's PLAN Type 075 LHD & future Type 076 LAH

    Finally a model of China's new LHD project, the Type 075. Said to displace 36,000 tonnes and operate 28 helicopters, under construction at Shanghai' Hudong-Zhonghua shipyards since late 2016.
  13. VTOLicious

    AIRBUS RACER / Clean Sky2 LifeRCraft Demonstrator

    LifeRCraft = Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft The next step after X³ Refer to page 332 (8.7 Compound Rotorcraft Demonstration (LifeRCraft)) for further information:
  14. Flyaway

    Due to concerns about engine, Juno to remain in elongated Jupiter orbit

    The Leros engine has commonalities with other engines that have called issues including MUOS 5 I believe.
  15. bobbymike

  16. Flyaway

    NASA Keeping Nuclear-thermal Option Open For Mars

    Couldn't find an existing thread for this.
  17. Flyaway

    KC-Z / Next-Generation Air Refueling System (NGAS)

    They could skip the KC-Y competition and go straight to the KC-Z.
  18. Grey Havoc

    Type 31 GPFF

    Type 31 design Concepts Note that there was a misprint in the original article which had the Type 26 as the Type 266. IMAGE CREDITS: BAE Systems, via Janes.
  19. M

    Lilium aviation electric VTOL jet.
  20. B

    Chinese Stealth bomber program - XAC H-X (H-20)

    That has some interesting implications for what H-20 may end up looking like... It'll sure be interesting if B-21 and H-20 both come out with similar planform Where'd you find that picture from btw?
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