late 2010s

  1. Grey Havoc

    Automated and Autonomous Systems for Combat Service Support: Scoping Study and Technology Prioritisation
  2. C

    Deep Blue Aerospace Company Ltd. Nebula 1 Mission The mission went wrong at the last minute,The next test will be in November
  3. Regio Ammiraglio

    AW249 Fenice: Informations and possible future versions

    The AW249 Fenice is an Italian attack helicopter designed and realized by the Italian company Leonardo. It was made to replace the A129 Mangusta within the Italian army. It made its first flight in 2022, and now we have two prototypes flying, with two more to come in the upcoming years. The...
  4. C

    BeltFeds LLC 5.56×45mm NATO Conversion Kit for the M60 GPMG

    During the mid-2010s, BeltFeds LLC ( ) advertised the 5.56×45mm NATO conversion kit for the M60 GPMG. The below YouTube video dated September 14, 2015, shows a short-barreled M60 machine gun being tested with the 5.56×45mm conversion kit installed: Despite online...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Project Origin (U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center) ORIGINAL CAPTION: The Project Origin vehicle, a surrogate for Army Robotic Combat Vehicles, is seen at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, in September 2021...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Former Uber security chief convicted for concealing a felony (BBC) Intended by the U.S. authorities as a 'Pour encourager les autres' moment, it would seem.
  7. Grey Havoc

    JGSDF Infantry Combat Vehicle ICV / Mortar Mobile Combat Vehicle MMCV programs

    Some quick background on this, in particular the ICV, via an old post in another thread (note that the info on the Type 16 MCV procurement & deployment may be out of date, there seems to be still some momentum within the MOD/JGSDF on replacing proper tanks on active duty with MCVs according to...
  8. Flyaway

    Maritime Launch Services

    They’ll be based in Canada using the 100% Ukrainian Cyclone-4M medium lift launcher.
  9. klem

    The Chinese CH-T1 Ground-Effect UAV.

    The whole story started with a picture posted in 2017 on social media that shows a new military drone that China has built. The unnamed device, which is said to be a torpedo bomber, is capable of skimming the surface of the sea and conducting "deadly attacks" against warships, says a post on...
  10. R

    Australian Ship Building in trouble...

    Interesting...Troubled naval shipbuilding projects set to prompt another Defence Department shake-up
  11. Deino

    H-6N & Air-launched Anti-ship ballistic missile (ALBM/AShBM)

    Rumoured since some time but confirmed only know View: View:
  12. J

    Boeing FARA

    Alone among the FARA contenders, Boeing have yet to fully reveal details of their submission, apparently designed by the company's 'Phantom Works'. They did release a teaser video - some screenshots of which are shown at
  13. G

    Patrol icebreakers project 23550.

    Photo of Ivan Papanin, first ship of the class. 27 November 2019 was laid down first serial (second in construction) patrol icebreaker Nikolai Zubov of project 23550. Intended for patrolling in all climatic zones, including tropical and arctic waters, it, having displacement of 9000 tonnes, has...
  14. bobbymike

    General Fusion Power Discussion
  15. Flyaway

    Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveillance Mission
  16. GTX

    Australian Army Land 400 Ph3 Competition.

    This is the Australian Army approximately $10-15 billion project to replace the ageing M113 APCs, with an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) and APC. Up until yesterday, there were 4 contenders: Rheinmetall's Lynx KF41 BAE Systems CV90 MkIV IFV Hanwha Defense Systems AS21 Redback General...
  17. Flyaway

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink
  18. sferrin

    USN Large Surface Combatant - Delayed
  19. A

    Taiwan 5th-gen fighter studies Comment/speculations: seems to be a contingency plan in case of failure to asquire the f-35b. Apparently, project is active for some time already. Taiwan has some actual experience in...
  20. Hood

    Franco-German Aircraft Carrier Proposal

    Not a naval project yet at such so placing this here. Angela Merkel has endorsed the idea of a joint European aircraft carrier. The idea was suggested by the new Christian Democratic Union party leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as part of possible future European cooperation. It is seen as...
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