late 2000s

  1. Triton

    ATK revives OV-1D Mohawk

    Introducing the ATK/Mohawk Technologies/Broadbay OV-1D ASP (Aerial Surveillance Platform). Source:
  2. Triton

    DCNS Barracuda class attack submarine

    Cutaway drawing of DCNS Barracuda-class nuclear-powered attack submarine. The first submarine will be named Suffren, and will be followed by the Duguay-Trouin, Dupetit-Thouars, Duquesne, Tourville and De Grasse, the build order of these five following submarines being subject to change. Source...
  3. Matej

    Moog FTS « Talon » and « Mini-Talon » missiles

    Found during the Farnborough on the AT-802U. Can somebody identify it?
  4. Mike Pryce

    Latest Sea Harrier variant - Indian LUSH

    FYI some links to images of the Indian Limited Upgrade Sea Harrier (LUSH). Images with outboard missile rails with one Magic and one Israeli Derby Missile, taken on board INS Viraat (ex-Hermes):
  5. O

    Taiwanese "carrier killer" concept

    There was some rumbling recently about a new "carrier killer" ship concept from Taiwan, supposed leaked recently, though it isn't a full up project yet from what I understand. Visually similar to the chinese wave piercing catamaran that is operating now.
  6. Triton

    Lockheed Martin Gibbs amphibious vehicle concepts

    Model of Lockheed Martin and Gibbs Technologies Ltd. Amphibious Combat Craft/Expeditionary (ACC/E) vehicle on display at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Winter Symposium and Exhibition 2007. NOTE: Original images reduced in size. Source...
  7. Triton

    Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)

    Photographs of Boeing, Textron Systems, and Millenworks submission for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program named Light Utility Vehicle (LUV). The partnership also included SAIC, Ford, and Carlson Technology. Millenworks datasheet for the Light Utility Vehicle (LUV)...
  8. Triton

    Russia To Send Asteroid Apophis Back into Deep Black Space

    From "Russia To Send Asteroid Apophis Back into Deep Black Space" Russia’s Federal Space Agency Roscosmos will start working on a project to save planet Earth from the collision with Asteroid Apophis...
  9. Sundog

    Boeing 787 Dreamliner

    ...for 10am Dec. 15 (Edited for correct month :) ), although I have no idea which time zone that 10am is for, I'm assuming it's Pacific Time Zone. It will be broadcast live on the web, you can pick it up at or Of course, I'll have to miss it, because I will be...
  10. colombamike

    Future Surface Combatant Cruisers/Destroyers (futur of US navy 2018-2045's)

    I open this thread for a big secret project ! ;D The Future Surface Combatant project ! This project replace eventually all US cruisers of Ticonderoga class & very probably all (a minima, all earlier DDG of arleigh burke class) arleigh burke DDG. Any news, any data, info, possible drawing ? ;D...
  11. Triton

    US Navy Transformation Craft (T-Craft)

    Transformation Craft (T-Craft) Concept Study by Cynthia Marks et al., NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CARDEROCK DIV BETHESDA MD SHIP SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT (Aug 2007) Abstract: Handle / proxy Url:
  12. Triton

    US Navy Heavy Air Lift Seabasing Ship (HALSS)

    Bare Hull Resistance Experiments and LDV Wake Surveys for a Trimaran Concept of a Heavy Air Lift Seabasing Ship (HALSS) Represented by Model 5651 by Daniel J Lyons and Christopher J Chesnakas, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Divison Bethesda MD (Sep 2007) Abstract...
  13. Abraham Gubler

    Heavy Vehicle Recovery Aerostat

    Not quite “Up”, but close… Potential of Aerostats For The Recovery Of Disabled Main Battle Tanks and Other Heavy Military Vehicles And Equipment
  14. bobbymike

    Chinese Say Space Weapons Inevitable

    From China commander says space weapons inevitable: state media Beijing (AFP) Nov 2, 2009 A top China air force commander has called the militarisation of space an "historical inevitability", state media said Monday, marking an apparent shift in Beijing's opposition to...
  15. G

    ARGOSY outer solar system exploration architecture

    From a researcher at Johns Hopkins U Applied Physics Lab: Fun facts: -- 100 year plan for solar system exploration, starting with manned mission to Callisto in 2050 and culminating in a manned mission to Pluto in 2110. -- multiple in-space...
  16. Skybolt

    Space architecture Website established for architects and industrial designers working and researching in the international field of space architecture and design. The website is operated by the Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC) of the American Institute of Aeronautics...
  17. Triton

    Wallenius Wilhelmsen E/S Orcelle

    The E/S Orcelle, Wallenius Wilhelmsen's vision of a zero emission 10,000 vehicle RO/RO ship for the year 2025.
  18. Triton

    Air Force urged to consider Navy F-18s

    The August 6, 2009 issue of CongressDaily has a story titled "Air Force urged to consider Navy F-18s" by Megan Scully. I don't know how influential this publication is for lawmakers and opinion leaders in Washington DC. This article has been discussed on other defense and aviation forums. NOTE...
  19. bobbymike

    Light-Attack Plane Could Save USAF Millions of Dollars Per Year

    Light-Attack Plane Could Save USAF Millions of Dollars Per Year Inside the Air Force, Aug. 21, 2009 -- The Air Force could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year in fuel and operation costs alone if it replaced one-and-a-half of its deployed fighter squadrons with smaller, light-attack...
  20. bobbymike

    From Defense News Today - "Nuclear" Cruiser I am assuming a nuclear power plant could also produce a great amount of extra energy for DEW and other exotic "high power energy need" weapons. Any thoughts?
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