late 1990s

  1. hesham

    GEC-Marconi Ilyushin Il-76-based Argus 2000 AEW proporsal for PLAAF (1996)

  2. FutureSpaceTourist

    Coopership Industries

    Coopership Industries was a company founded in 1996 to design and build (very) large rigid hull airships. The website at appears to have disappeared in the early 2000s, but included this info on the proposed airship: The attached picture comes from a January 2001 article in...
  3. FutureSpaceTourist

    IL Aerospace Technologies suborbital RLV

    IL Aerospace Technologies (ILAT) was the sole Israeli entrant to the Ansari X-prize competition. Their initial X-prize entry was the Negev-5 (Negevs 1 through 4 being various planned subscale/prototypes). Like the da Vinci Project entry, the first 'stage' was a balloon that lifted the hybrid...
  4. Triton

    Queen Elizabeth Class (CVF) development

    Two artist's impressions of the Royal Navy's proposed future aircraft carrier (CVF) from 1999. These both show examples designed to operate STOVL aircraft. Source:
  5. orko_8

    Yarrow Warship Project

    Hi all, (First of all, my apologies if this project has been discussed before) I was browsing through my defence magazine archives and found an article about the following project in a Turkish defence magazine, "Savunma ve Havacilik" (Defence and Aerospace) from 1997. The project is titled as...
  6. Apophenia


    The Polish PZA (Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Artyleryjski) Loara SPAAG system is fairly well known but not so its planned SPAAM companion. The former is usually referred to as Loara-A (or, for export purposes, Loara-G for Gun). The SPAAM was designated PZR (Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Rakietowy) Loara but...
  7. Triton

    Royal Navy Type 45 ("D" Class) Destroyer Daring Class concepts

    Possible future variants of the Royal Navy Type 45 ("D" or Daring Class) Destroyer include Type 45 Land Attack variant and Type 45 General Purpose variant.
  8. Triton

    R/V Calypso II

    R/V Calypso II was an oceanographic research and documentary expedition support vessel that was unveiled by Jacques Yves Cousteau shortly before his death. To date, the ship has not been constructed by the Cousteau Soceity/Equipe Cousteau. The Calypso II was aluminum-hulled, monohull...
  9. Woody

    SAC J-XX Competitor designs - "Snowy Owl" 雪鸮 etc.

    Found these on Attributed to a friend of ours - anything you can tell us Deino? Cheers, Woody
  10. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
  11. hesham

    German stealth - TDEFS and FTTU

    Hi, The Daimler-Benz Aerospace designed a new project in 1997 for European combat aircraft,and its concept was known as FTT (Flying Technology Platform).
  12. R

    FCS - Future Combat Systems - Evolution

    Hola!!! I'm interested in information on the evolution of the FCS. These are two models I made from depictions taken out of ARMOR MAGAZINE in 1997. The model is a concept contest winner apparently designed by Dr. Asher Sharoni, from Western Design Howden (WDH) Thanks, Rafa
  13. flateric

    Vosper Thornycroft Sea Wraith / Sea Wraith II concepts

    "In 1966, the Portsmouth ship-builders, Vosper Ltd., merged with the Southampton-based John I. Thornycroft to form Vosper Thornycroft, a publicly quoted engineering group, with an annual turnover of £250 million and currently employing 4000 staff. The company has a reputation for designing and...
  14. TinWing

    Saab Project 518: An Ongoing Proposal for EUROTRAINING

    This information might date from 2002, but this the best and only illustration of the Saab "Project 518," a clean sheet of paper design proposal for the 12-nation Eurotraining requirement. Testing...
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