late 1990s

  1. H

    Were the Dutch De Zeven Provincien frigates built in the Netherlands or Romania?

    The reason why I'm posting this is because there doesn't seem to be information regarding where the hulls were built. I'm not sure if the hulls were built in Romania then shipped to the Netherlands for assembly.
  2. scrubhead

    FSCS and AAN ground combat vehicles

    Originally I was going to post this in the FSCS thread ( ) but this eventually became bigger than I originally intended ( 2 major files containing around 80 pages with 5 presentations in both, and two other presenations, all...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Alliant Techsystems RQ-6 Outrider

    ORIGINAL CAPTION: An Alliant RQ-6A Outrider at the United States Army Aviation Museum.
  4. X-39

    "The Fighter Enterprise" Lockheed division?

    Hi. Watching the other day an old video featuring the LM's Saber Warrior() what caught my attention was not the aicaft itself, but the CGI spaceplane transitioning to the logo shown at the end just as these last words are spoken: ..."the Saber Warrior is just one example of the many concepts...
  5. Flyaway

    DSCOVR The little satellite that could How a vice president’s dream led—after a very long delay—to the DSCOVR spacecraft by Dwayne A. Day Monday, August 16, 2021 If satellites had personalities, DSCOVR would be a scrappy little fighter: battered, bloody, but...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Shenyang J-11 PLAN/PLAAF

    For the 1960s/1970s fighter project, see here.
  7. Grey Havoc

    Distant Thunder / NetSAT littoral water system (DARPA)

  8. Flyaway

    Europa Clipper

    Time this has its own thread.
  9. Michel Van

    50 years 2001: A Space Odyssey

    On 2 april, 1968 premier Stanley Kubrick masterpiece 4 years earlier he decided to make The "Perfect" Movie and he succeeded 50 years later 2001: A Space Odyssey has nothing lost of its Magic, its mysteries Its Space Hardware still looks realistic, even timeless Allot of Sci-Fi Movies made...
  10. A

    GA-ASI MQ-1 Predator

    Okay Gentlemen, can anyone tell me why the Predator B (Reaper) has it's tail up while its smaller predecessor is tail down?
  11. Michel Van

    ARCA Haas 2CA rocket (SSTO with aerospike engine)

    ARCA Space Corporation is a New Mexico-based aerospace company It was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization in Romania by Dumitru Popescu That want to build a SSTO that launch 100 kg (220lbs) of payload to low earth orbit. it feature a linear Aerospike engine called "Executor" is...
  12. Grey Havoc

    The Offboard Sensing Initiative MOIE (MITRE Corporation) [1996-97]

    Reconstruction of Acoustic Collection Missions Against Three Cruise Missiles October 1999 Daniel J. Lowen
  13. Stargazer

    Khrunichev T-517 « Farmer »: a strange aircraft from Russia

    While browsing through magazines, I came across this most unusual aircraft, presented at MAKS '99 and described as the Avialine. Does anyone know anything about it? Who manufactured it? Did it actually fly? What became of it? Title edited thanks to boxkite's information.
  14. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF Takao class Destroyer Escort

    This is an unusual project, especially in light of known JMSDF doctrine. It was apparently conceived around the mid-'90s or there abouts by the JMSDF and the old JDA as a lower cost alternative to the procurement of futher units of the Kongō class (what would eventually become the Atago class)...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Tessiot mobile ground target

    A late 1990's French government sponsored project for a "Ground Target For Simulating The Heat Silhouette Of A Vehicle Such As A Tank". Intended for both peacetime use as a training (including live fire) target and as a wartime mobile decoy system. Was what would be known today as 'optionally...
  16. Triton

    Queen Elizabeth Class (CVF) development

    Two artist's impressions of the Royal Navy's proposed future aircraft carrier (CVF) from 1999. These both show examples designed to operate STOVL aircraft. Source:
  17. orko_8

    Yarrow Warship Project

    Hi all, (First of all, my apologies if this project has been discussed before) I was browsing through my defence magazine archives and found an article about the following project in a Turkish defence magazine, "Savunma ve Havacilik" (Defence and Aerospace) from 1997. The project is titled as...
  18. Apophenia


    The Polish PZA (Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Artyleryjski) Loara SPAAG system is fairly well known but not so its planned SPAAM companion. The former is usually referred to as Loara-A (or, for export purposes, Loara-G for Gun). The SPAAM was designated PZR (Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Rakietowy) Loara but...
  19. Triton

    R/V Calypso II

    R/V Calypso II was an oceanographic research and documentary expedition support vessel that was unveiled by Jacques Yves Cousteau shortly before his death. To date, the ship has not been constructed by the Cousteau Soceity/Equipe Cousteau. The Calypso II was aluminum-hulled, monohull...
  20. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
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