late 1960s

  1. Triton

    Sea-based Anti-Ballastic Missile Intercept System (SABMIS)

    The Sea-based Anti-Ballastic Missile Intercept System (SABMIS) program, sometimes referred to as Seabourne Anti-Ballistic Missile Intercept System, was a US Navy program to develop a seabourne ICBM defense. Contracts to study the concept were awarded in 1967 to Hughes Aircraft Company, Lockheed...
  2. Abraham Gubler

    Project Deep Ops

    An interesting way of achieving this capability: Abstract : Two species of whales, killer whales (Orcinus orca) and pilot whales (Globicephala scammoni), were conditioned to locate and mark for recovery...
  3. Triton

    Large space structure experiments for Apollo Applications Program (AAP)

    In 1966 NASA asked the Convair Division of General Dynamic to research the use of Apollo systems to test out large scale space construction projects. This research generated a report that consists of five volumes. Large space structure experiments for AAP. Volume 1 - Summary Final report, 15...
  4. Triton

    Heckler & Koch G11

    The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch...
  5. D

    Disc-shaped prototype?

    Dear forum members, do anybody know what is the experimental "flying disc" shown at minutes 19:18-19:22 of this video by Jane's journalist Nick Cook, please? I have made 3 stills from the video: - the disc is dropped: - two...
  6. Michel Van

    S-IVB as reusable SSTO

    Around end 1960's Douglas proposed several projects for reuse of S-IVB Stage the final Idea was a reusable S-IVB with Aerospike engine to use as upperstage on Saturn launcher or as SSTO got some one more info (like payload) on that proposal ? thanks in advance
  7. K

    General Dynamics AIM-97 / XAIM-97 Seekbat

    Is it true that the F-15's were actually intended to carry the AIM-97 Seekbat to deal with the MiG-25? How many could it carry? KJ Lesnick
  8. Triton

    North American Rockwell/General Dynamics Phase B Shuttle specs

    Does anyone have specifications of the North American Rockwell/General Dynamics Phase B Shuttle (1970)? Any additional concept art and drawings would be appreciated as well.
  9. Michel Van

    General Electric Mars Mission Study July 19, 1967.

    better know as Mission Engineering Study of Electrically Propelled Manned Planetary Vehicles GE began the study for MSFC in July 1966. they proposed to uses both nuclear-thermal and nuclear-electric propulsion. Nuclear ionengine give mission flexibility also for unfavorable opportunities and...
  10. richard

    Two Sud Aviation helicopter projets -1965-

    From Flight
  11. K

    Lockheed F-12B

    Does anyone have a drawing(s) of the F-12B interceptor as it would have appeared in its final form? KJ_Lesnick
  12. P

    Space Program Options open to President Nixon One alternative, at $3.5 billion per year, eliminated NERVA and stopped production of Saturn V and Apollo spacecraft. This option, however, would maintain a vigorous program in piloted flight, featuring Skylab with three visits as well as six additional...
  13. boxkite

    GAF "Bellata"

    The Australian Government Aircraft Factories proposed a ground attack version of the "Nomad" STOL transport called "Bellata". I would like to see an artist's impression or three-view drawing of this project - who can help?
  14. P

    Stretched Type 82

    In Rebuilding the RN Brown notes 'In 1967 consideration was given to a stretched Type 82 to replace the Tiger class as helicopter ships' (DEFE 16/617 (PRO)) Were any drawings made?
  15. uk 75

    WG.13 / Lynx attack helicopter projects

    I keep coming across small pictures of a variant of the Anglo French Lynx helicopter for the French Army in the late 60s which shows a gunship helicopter. However, none of the sources has a three view. Does anyone with access to say Janes All the World's Aircraft or the old Flying Reviews have a...
  16. hesham

    Saab Multi-Purpose STOL Transports

    Hi, there was the SAAB-1071 a four engined high wing STOL transport and could carried 40-passengers.
  17. boxkite

    Grumman G-xxx turboprop Albatross

    I’m looking for the Grumman design number of this ”Albatross“ turboprop conversion. I only know it’s NOT the G-305 (another proposed four-engined turboprop flying-boat for ASW duties from 1961). Any idea of the G-xxx number? SOURCE: “Der Flieger“ 11/1968
  18. GTX

    British Carriers Commando Ships and Escort Cruisers 1963 to 1968

    Hi Folks, I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thankyou in advance. Regards, Greg
  19. boxkite

    Swearingen SA-28T ???

    US magazine "Air Progress" from July 1969 (pg 19) described this display model as "Seven-place delta-wing transonic business jet designed by Swearingen Aircraft Co. will operate just under Mach 1 with Garrett turbofans." I assume it's the SA-28T. Can anybody confirm this?
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    MBB BBH Armed Escort Helicopter BBH-2 Pic:
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