So let's assume that Indonesian socialist leader Sukarno was more competent in terms of economic (or at least listened to better advisor) and managed to avoid the economy crisis that led to his downfall in OTL 1966. He remained relatively popular and in power; Indonesia remained socialistic and...
alternate history
angkatan laut republik indonesia
angkatan udara republik indonesia
australian army
cold war
commonwealth of australia
indian ocean
indonesian air force
indonesian army
indonesian navy
nuclear powered vessels
pacific ocean
republic of indonesia
royal australian air force
royal australian navy
soviet union
tentara republik indonesia - angkatan darat
The Hawker-Siddeley HS.1201 was a lightweight air superior fighter project,1967,
There are two photos in the ship design section of the introduction of Brown's "Rebuilding the Royal Navy":
Is it possible to identify which projects they relate to? The plan on the screen is described as a frigate, and it appears as something between a frigate armed Type 42 and Type 22...
Trying to find the earliest year the MiG-21 received the SPS-141 ECM pod, and ASO-2 chaff/flare dispensers.
First, for the SPS-141 there is the only the vague 1970s period usually mentioned online. But is there info as to what year exactly did the SPS-141 (SM-1 or SPS-141-100?) became...
The saga of the Royal Navy's carriers after 1966 has been the main focus of interest here, but the workhorse of the RN then as now was the frigate.
By the 1970s the RN had plans to replace its Type 12 Leander class frigates with the larger all missile armed Type 22.
Leanders were designed...
alternate history
anti-air warfare
anti-submarine warfare
anti-surface warfare
area air defence
cold war
escort vessel
great britain
north atlantic treaty organisation
royal navy
aeronautical systems division
air force aero propulsion laboratory
air force materials laboratory
air force systems command
bureau of mines
cold war
limited war office (asj)
limited war/special air warfare
project 1559
united states air force
vietnam war
The USN acquired 142 Lockheed EC121s in the early 50s to mount long-range early warning barrier patrols in the Atlantic and Pacific. The main strength was 5 sqns for each ocean with various cats and dogs supporting units. The barrier patrol lasted until 1965 and afterwards the USN transferred 30...
airborne early warning
alternate history
central intelligence agency
cold war
great britain
imperial iranian air force
imperial state of iran
japan air self-defense force
north atlantic treaty organisation
republic of china air force
royal air force
royal australian air force
united states
united states air force
united states navy
The possibility of the UK avoiding the 1965 aircraft cancellations has been discussed ad nauseam. I don't propose to get into it here - assume a collective delusion of the UK government, the discovery of a massive gold deposit, or intervention from extra-terrestrial intelligences, as you see...
alternate history
cold war
eastern bloc
fleet air arm
great britain
north atlantic treaty organisation
royal air force
royal navy
warsaw pact
western europe
wilson government
I was curious to see if there had been any drawings of this paper ship plan.
Basically a anti sub/ trade lane protector ship for th usn, 20 s-3 in 2 squadrons plus 4-8 small anti snuper aircraft (presumably a-4 but no design specified) and 16 sea kings, to be biult in the 70's to replace the...
aircraft carrier
anti-submarine warfare
bureau of ships
cold war
naval sea systems command
naval ship systems command
nuclear powered vessels
united states
united states navy
In 1966, the Maritime Administration began design work on a general purpose cargo-liner to be built in large enough numbers to be useful in national emergencies and replace war-era vessels serving in non-subsidized trade, with the idea that they be designed for minimum cost. As specified in a...
Hello all. I have been reading up on Swiss MBT programs and concepts in the last few days and I noticed that Secret Projects does not yet have a thread dedicated to the Panzer 74 proposal. I am aware of the Tank Encyclopedia article on this matter but I thought I'd ask this forum.
How about a thread on the J-12 ? I noticed that there was none !
It is a jet that I like and I will try to collect in this thread some interesting things about it.
The story of how in 1968 the universal dynamic protection for the Object 775 and T-64A tanks was developed and tested, surpassing all subsequent developments of the Research Institute of Steel - "Contact" and "Contact-5". This page of the history of tank building is not mentioned anywhere...
(For third concept, see first link)...
cold war
combat arms group (fort leavenworth)
detroit arsenal
from the swedish archives
u.s. army
u.s. army tank automotive center
united states army
Just bought the 1968/9 and 1969/70 Jane's Fighting Ships and found two interesting West German naval projects which were planned for the 1970s but were different from the final vessels.
The first is for 16 missile equipped fast patrol boats. These would carry the Tartar missile system in...
I have been looking for the attached picture for years and found it in the US Navy section of Jane's Fighting Ships 1969/70 .
It shows the range of guns planned for US service in the 1970s.
From left to right we have:
8 inch Major Calibre Lightweight Gun (MCLWG).
5 inch 54cal Mk 42 gun for DD931...
The Royal Navy began the 1960s with two excellent classes of destroyer (County DLG).and frigate (Type 12 Leander) on order.
In 1966 the replacement of these ships with the T42 and T22 was set in hand.. In addition the T21 gp frigate was ordered to replace other frigate classes.
So not a lot of...
The story began in 1969 in the Sino-Soviet border conflict,Chinese captured a T-62,At that time, all their anti-tank weapons were unable to effectively destroy the T62.
So Armor troops think they need a new second-generation tank,call “122”(The Type 69 "121 that was being developed at the time...
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