late 1950s

  1. Grey Havoc

    Nihon Hikoki X1G3
  2. Grey Havoc

    MIT IL Mars Reconnaisance Vehicle (Draper Probe)
  3. Z

    F.155T the last minute submissions

    During the process of evaluation of the proposals to F.155T, De Havilland wanted to make a alternative last minute submission, and Saro was strictly prohibited from this. Yet what if the board had instead allowed all the firms submitting, the chance of a last minute submission? We know Saro...
  4. Flyaway

    Vanguard 1

    2nd US Satellite: Vanguard 1 1958 NASA; Oldest Satellite Still in Orbit Jeff Quitney Published on Jul 13, 2018 "On March 17, (1958) a Vanguard I rocket launched an Earth satellite with solar batteries. Data from the mission was used to determine that the Earth is slightly pear-shaped. From...
  5. S

    HMS Eagle Rebuild Plans

    Hi, There is a reference in the Wikipedia entry that the late 50s refit of HMS Eagle was originally more ambitious, including plans to stretch the hull by 40 feet. I have been unable to source any more information on this, do any forum members have any more information?
  6. T

    Soviet balloon bombers et al.

    Hi all, some time ago I find a very brief description of soviet balloon bombers of the '50-'60; they intended to use them in the same way the American used the GENETRIX and MELTING POT balloons for recce flights over the USSR...
  7. hesham

    Jackaroo Paragon Light Aircraft Project

    Hi, the well known British company,Jackaroo,which built the Thruxton light aircraft based on DH Tiger Moth,it also developed the Paragon,a low-wing light aircraft in 1960s,powered by one 180 hp Lycoming O-360-AIA engine,I think it remained a Project,but I am not sure...
  8. JFC Fuller

    Original French MASURCA ship program

    I am utterly confused about the original French plans for the deployment of this missile, the wiki page for the Suffren class destroyers states that six ships were originally planned and that this became two batches of three (the second tentative?) then just two ships when the money for the...
  9. zeroc

    Flying Carrier of the Fifties

    Hi all. Another reconstruction of a unbuilt project. Three view from an 1955 aviation magazine. Draw in vector graphics using Inkscape. Enjoy.
  10. D

    Project Nobska Nuclear/Fuel Cell Powered Midget Submarines and Destroyers

    The Wikipedia article on Project Nobska claims that a nuclear powered 500 ton midget submarine and destroyer were proposed at the meeting, as well as a fuel cell powered submarine. Some Norman Friedman books are cited for this, so there might be something to these claims, but I haven't been able...
  11. Triton

    Space: 1959 "Space Age" concept poster on cardboard

    Poster printed on cardboard featuring many space concepts by Dr. Werner von Braun and Krafft Ehricke circa 1959 found on eBay. Seller's description:
  12. W

    Haberkorn / Eggers 'Carrier Aircraft Having an Annular Wing' Patent, US30005.

    Hi folks, Hope this isn't old news - searched the forum and can't seem to find a reference to this one, so here goes with a patent for a VTOL-capable, annular-wing carrier aircraft. All best, 'Wingknut'. 'Carrier aircraft having an annular wing', US3000593 Inventors: Erich Haberkorn, Gerhard...
  13. Charlesferdinand

    Gnat for the Royal Navy

    In the september 1956 issue of 'The Navy - Official Organ of the Navy League', there is an advertisement for a naval version of the Folland Gnat. One of the contributors, writing about the future British aviation projects, thinks this would be a good idea, as a back up to the Supermarine N113...
  14. Y

    Vickers vanjet

    Does any of you have more info about this VC-10 early study? From Development History: Vanjet VC10 Mk I Projected tri-jet medium range transport with Valiant-style wing with curved inboard leading edge. Vanguard fuselage, mid-set...
  15. robunos

    The 'AB.123' project designation system...

    I've done a search. and I'm surprised that there's no thread for this... Following the partial replacement, in 1959, of the British Ministry of Supply by the Ministry of Aviation, the iconic 'Rainbow Code' system for projects was also replaced, by a new system of two letters, and three numbers...
  16. Jemiba

    Pye PV Anti-Tank Missile

    A photo of the Pye PV wire-guided anti-tank missile (maybe mock-up only), soem data can be found here . (From Aviation Week September 1960)
  17. Triton

    Boeing Martian Recon Vehicle

    Artist's impression of unmanned Martian reconnaissance vehicle concept press photo found on eBay. Source:
  18. Stargazer

    1950s Lockheed Nuclear Powered bomber studies

    Lockheed nuclear-powered bomber project (CAMAL contender), very different from alleged designs previously shown and found in: HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON...
  19. Grey Havoc

    Martin Company 1959 Lunar Simulator

    From the June 1959 edition of Popular Science, an article on the Martin Company's USAF Lunar Simulator project, basically intended to simulate conditions inside a long-term manned installation on the Moon. Among it's interesting features was the plan to eventually have it house it's own...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Irish Army R-R Merlin powered Churchill Tank

    Excerpt from "Irish Army Vehicles: Transport and Armour since 1922" by Karl Martin (2002 edition)[with some minor editing]: The Rolls-Royce Merlin powered Churchill On the 14th of February 1955, Capt. Collier of the Cavalry Workshops suggested replacing the existing Bedford engine in a...
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