late 1940s

  1. GTX

    Planet Aircraft Ltd and Firth Helicopter Prototypes

    Hi folks, Thought I would post these pics etc on the Planet Satellite light aircarft of the late '40s. It was a four seater built of magnesium alloy,retractable undercarriage fitted with a Gipsy Queen 32 amidships driving a pusher airscrew in the tail,designer was a Mr J.N.D.Heenan,she was...
  2. Longshaor

    Blackburn B-48 Firecrest

    Can anyone help me, I'm having no luck finding a 3-view drawing of this plane. TIA Longshoar
  3. D

    Contenders for the MX-948 Competition (leading to the XB-55)

    I know, that to thirteen firms have dispatched request for competition. 1) Boeing Model 474--------------XB-55 2) Convair Model ? 3) Martin Model 247 or Model 247-1 4) ? Model ? 5) ? Model ? 6) ? Model ? 7) ? Model ? 8) ? Model ...
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