late 1930s

  1. lucamax

    Zmaj R-1

    Hi friends! Recently I discover this jugoslavian aircraft of the 1940. From what I understand, it was a light bomber stopped at the prototype stage. Unfortunately I have found very few pictures and no drawings: does anyone know anything more and have a 3-view? Thanks in advance for your answers!
  2. B

    gloster F9/37

    Hi All, Tried the search function and didn't find anything, Likewise tried searches on the net, zilch.. nada... I am after a drawing of the gloster F9/37 with the peregrine engines fitted, anyone seen any, or know of a link ? cheers Jerry
  3. GTX

    Westland Whirlwind Variants and Projects

    Hi folks, Some pics I recently came across of different armament rials for the Westland Whirlwind: 12 x 0.303: 1 x 37mm cannon: Apologies if already posted. Regards, Greg
  4. B

    "S" - high-speed bomber by V.Bolkhovitinov (1937-41)

    1) The “S” aircraft general arrangement drawings approved in 1937. Variants of the “S” aircraft proposed in 1937: 2) - reconnaissance aircraft with range of the flight before 2200км 3) – attack aircraft (maximum arms 20 Ultra SHKAS) 4) – near-bomber 5) – heavy fighter (anti-bomber). Soviet...
  5. hesham

    Cunliffe-Owen O.A.2 Aircraft & the Company's Projects

    Hi, here is an artist picture for Cunliffe-Owen O.A.2,which could carry 18-passengers and had an estimated speed of 225 mph.
  6. J

    Early Tiltrotors including the Baynes Heliplane

    From "The Aeroplane" August 1951 and unknown source
  7. Maveric

    Italian Heavy Fighters

    Hi all, in 1939 in Italy was a contest for a Caccia-Comattimento (Heavy Fighter) in wich eight projects were entered: 1) Macchi M.C. 301 2) Caproni-Bergamasca Ca.350 3) Romeo Ro.67 4) Fiat C.R. 50 and C.R.55 5) Bellomo C.B. 6) Santangelo C.S. 7) Savoia-Marchetti S.M.91 We know the Ro.67...
  8. hesham

    Various SNCASO (Sud-Ouest) Projects and Prototypes

    Hi, The SNCASO SO.80 Biarritz and SO.90 Bayonne were two projects developed from Bloch MB.800,as twin engined trainer/light transport aircraft.
  9. Jemiba

    Arsenal de l'aéronautique: built prototypes and unbuilt projects

    Arsenal VB.15 ( a version of hte VB.10 powered by two Arsenal 12H engines, french versions of the Jumo 213), this is a post war type. For the Payen pre-war types and projects I would recommend, but you'll probably find out, that especially informations...
  10. P

    Bell XFM/YFM-1 Airacuda

    From old good Letectvi+Kosmonautika
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