late 1930s

  1. J

    Jachtmann Jacht 71 D-4-610 amphibious glider

    A one-off design by Ernst Jachtmann who had famously set endurance records in gliders including a 41 hour flight in 1937, he can be seen in the cockpit in the media below.
  2. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Lullingstone Airport

    View: Some background on decoy airfields:
  4. ptdockyard

    Question on Italian 135mm and 65mm naval weapons

    The Navweps site on these two guns has some passing mentions that lead me to other questions: -135 mm/45 (5.3") Models 1937 and 1938: There is this statement: "A twin AA version for the Etna class cruisers and for the rebuild of the damaged battleship Conte Di Cavour were only in the...
  5. F

    Batignolles Chatillon DP or DP1

    i did a quick search of this site for the above mentioned vehicle and found nothing so if there is a preexisting topic i am sorry for failing to discover its thread i was looking for any info and/ or pics about this vehicle or these vehicles ( i know of the DP-2 ( the one which almost...
  6. YourChair

    French 400, 406, 420, and 431mm naval gun designs from the late 30s

    Hello! The book French Battleships 1922-56 mentions that for the Alsace-class battleship designs, studies for 400, 406, and 420mm guns were ordered. Additionally, a 406mm naval gun was created by the Schneider company for the Soviet Union, and a 431mm naval gun was created: the elusive Canon de...
  7. F

    1936 Cierva-FW and alternative helicopter history

    Starting point Juan de la Cierva had already decided to continue his work motorizing the gyroplane's rotor. He misses his flight at Croydon which crashes in December 1936 because his car has a flat tire. He travels on the next flight, meets with Focke, and together they design and develop two...
  8. L

    F6F Hellcat initial projects?

    Just realized that i have never seen any drawings of interim projects that eventually led to the G-50/F6F. There was an G-33 based on the XF4F-2 but with R-2600 engine, and as i understand initial G-50 projects had still much in common with the F4F (mid-wing, fuselage landing gear etc.). Are...
  9. K

    K+W C-37

    The C-35 and the C-36 are well known, actually built, aircraft of "Eidgenössische Konstruktionswerkstätte" in Thun. The planned C-37 is rather less known. Last year I had the chance to re-work an 1978-article of "Cockpit" and I was lucky to get to see a painting of Roland Eichenberger -...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Project 138 Heavy Cruiser (Spain, late 1930s)

    (h/t cattalonX)
  11. richard B

    An helicopter patent in der deutsche Sportflieger 1939 .

    Seen here ...
  12. B

    Supermarine 312 cannon fighter?

    I've seen a few references to a Supermarine early World War II project called the Type 312. From what I've read, it was a derivative of the Spitfire but with standard cannon armament and a ventral radiator instead of the Spitfire's underwing radiators. Does any photos or plans or other details...
  13. klem

    Early ideas of aerial refueling

    Published in "Техника Молодёжи-Youth Technique" from 1936 the picture shows a fuel supply in flight. The caption to the picture says "The fuel truck (aircraft tanker) flew 30 meters above us and slightly ahead. Suddenly, a hatch opened in the lower part of it, from which a thick hose descended"...
  14. N

    Ju 89A in place of the Fw 200C

    I'm starting a new thread so that it doesn't hijack @airman's Do-19 evolution thread. Is the following feasible, plausible and reasonable? In this timeline the Do 19 and Ju 89 weren't cancelled on 29th April 1937. The Do 19 V3 and Ju 89 V3 prototypes were completed. 12 Do 19A-0 and as Ju 89A-0...
  15. GTX

    The Aircraft Projects of Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation by Joe Vella

    Freshly published:
  16. hesham

    Drawings to Early Lavochkin Aircraft

    From, Самолеты С. А. Лавочкина.
  17. Arjen

    OSGA-25 hydroplane catamaran

    A design by Vladimir Gartvig, drawing by Vladimir Meshcherin. Images OSGA-25 1-4 from Russisches Design - Tradition und Experiment 1920-1990 by Alexander Lavrentiev and Yuri Nasarow, Ernst & Sohn 1995. Images OSGA-25 5-7 found here: View...
  18. L

    RK1 - RK 800

    Grigorii Ivanovich Bakshayev was interested in the concept of variable geometry aircraft, where the size and/or shape of wings are altered according to the stage of flight, or desired characteristics. There are many methods of achieving this but one of the simplest is the telescopic wing, where...
  19. hesham

    Bellanca C-24-100-M & C-24-100-P Projects of 1938

    A big Surprise, here is a drawing and all Info about Bellanca C-24-100-P and C-24-100-M,generally it was a single or two-seat fighter,observation,light bomber and attack airplane Project,developed from Model 28-90. I don't know for which competition it was purposed,and if it was estimated to...
  20. Hood

    Air Radio Installation Numbers

    The British Air Ministry created a designation system for the installations of radio equipment in the late 1930s, each number reflected the standardised installation of a particular radio transmitter or receiver and all the various elements including power units, aerial connections, and control...
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