kingdom of sweden

  1. huckebein

    Need help identifying this project ship.

    This image of this ship was borrowed from a site dealing in 1/1250 ships. I am interested in a three view of this ship. It is no doubt some kind of Pocket or Panzer ship project. Perhaps by Zenker. Any help in obtaining a three view or direction to a book in English or German which elaborates...
  2. hesham

    Capt. Sundstedt Transatlantic Flying Boats

  3. hesham

    Amphibian Autogiro

    Hi, here is an unusual amphibian autogiro aircraft,I think it was from Cierva design.
  4. JAZZ

    Saab Buster

    What information is out there concerning the buster - hypervolocity AT missile that was being considered by saab a few years back? Only illustration I have is attached -
  5. JAZZ

    Swedish Ub-2000 and Viking projects

    Before the 'viking' submarine design matured, Sweden was investigating a flatfish design as a configuration for their future submarine requirement. I have little information about the concept or why there may be advantages for a flatfish design (other than operating in shallow waters) I attach...
  6. hesham

    Saab Multi-Purpose STOL Transports

    Hi, there was the SAAB-1071 a four engined high wing STOL transport and could carried 40-passengers.
  7. A

    Saab Gripen E/F (Gripen NG)

    Have any specs on this version offered to India been released?
  8. A

    Help with Swedish concept AFVs

    I am looking for pics of the Strv-2000 mockup, searched the internet but only came up with 2 not to good pics, I am also intrested in pics/info on the Landsverk entry in the IKV-91 competiton. Any help is welcome
  9. Mike Pryce

    Meteor Predecessors - S225X and others

    Anyone have any info on the BAe S225X/XR Metoer predecessors from the early /mid 1990s. All I have found is : and: Pics/data would be most welcome (aren't they always?)!
  10. A

    Design development of the SAAB JAS 39 Gripen

    I am hoping that someone here can provide me with info about this intresting looking aircraft.
  11. overscan (PaulMM)

    Blackbird: Beyond the Secret Missions (Paul F Crickmore)

    Blackbird: Beyond the Secret Missions A classic book, full of fascinating details about the design and operations of the A-12, YF-12 and SR-71, with good material on peripheral matters like Soviet MiG-25 and MiG-31 and Swedish JA-37 interceptions. <a...
  12. JAZZ

    Visby follow ons and larger versions.

    Hi interested in any pictures or models of larger versions of kokums Visby class corvette. Orginaly it was developed as the YS-2000 and then enlarged into the current Visby design. A follow on design was considered with Northrop Grumman as a contender to tyhe FCS, but was not selected to be...
  13. JAZZ

    UDES-XX20 tank destroyer

    1981 Bofors, Hagglund and Soner looked to develop a tank destroyer, it was not seen as a replacement for the Strv-103 or Sweden's Centurions. The concept had a 3-man crew in the front unit and 120mm Rheinmetall gun with Bofors muzzel brake. The rear unit contained ammunition, fuel and engine...
  14. JAZZ

    Swedish UDES MBT Concepts to replace Strv-103

    Sweden looked at a number of MBT concepts in the 1980's as a replacement for the stridsvagn-103. Key ones were UDES-11, UDES-17, UDES-19 and Stridsvagne 2000. A UDES-3 has been mentioned and appears to be a prof of concept vehcile based on the marder - with a bofors external mounted gun. not to...
  15. JAZZ

    SWEDEN - UDES-11 concept

    Sweden looked at a number of MBT concepts in the 1980's as a replacement for the stridsvagn-103. Key ones were UDES-11, UDES-17, UDES-19 and Stridsvagne 2000. A UDES-3 has been mentioned and appears to be a prof of concept vehcile based on the marder - with a bofors external mounted gun. not to...
  16. R

    SAAB J 35 Draken

    Have u ever seen this pic? Where did you see this pic first? If you have seen this pic online, would u mind direct me to that?
  17. R

    SAAB Fighter / Attack projects

    We have already known what A.36 looks like. ;) But we still lost 1300series, 1400series and some of 1500series. If you know any little information, please post here. This thread for every one here,especially for Matej :P
  18. D

    Civilian versions of bomber aircraft

    Why to spend money in a development from zero if military designs can adapt? Proposals for a SST based on the North American XB-70 Valkyrie (I cannot avoid to imagine to the boys of Green Peace in a MIG-31 with the colors of the rainbow trying him to give hunt to one of these apparatuses) ;D
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Saab B3LA trainer/light strike aircraft

    Estimated specs from Flight International, 7 October 1978 Length: 41ft Span: 33ft Wing gross area: 240 sq ft Empty Weight: 8,800lb Internal Fuel weight: 3,300lb Clean takeoff weight: 12,500lb Maximum payload: 6,600lb Max takeoff weight: 19,000lb Max wing loading: 79lb/sq ft Powerplant: 1 x...
  20. TinWing

    Saab Project 518: An Ongoing Proposal for EUROTRAINING

    This information might date from 2002, but this the best and only illustration of the Saab "Project 518," a clean sheet of paper design proposal for the 12-nation Eurotraining requirement. Testing...
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