Enrico Cernuschi and Vincent O'Hara's article on Italian aircraft carrier design ("Search for a Flattop: The Italian Navy and the Aircraft Carrier 1907-2007") in Warship 2007 has a passing mention of two mid-1930s proposals for carrier-based aircraft: the Caproni Ca.165 biplane fighter and a...
20th century
cold war
early 1910s
french third republic
great britain
interwar period
late 1890s
late 1900s
late 19th century
nazi germany
pre-world war i
soviet union
steam powered aircraft
united states
world war ii
here is a strange gyroplane Project,designed by Alfredo Varni.
Hi! Breda Ba.27
"The Ba.27 was a low-wing braced monoplane with fixed tailwheel undercarriage. As originally designed, the Ba.27 had a fuselage of steel tube construction, skinned with light corrugated alloy metal, and wooden wings and tailplane...
here is a three little known light aircraft from Italy,the first called
Bottini M.B.2,the second aircraft from Mr. Crisanti and the third
was Fongri - De Grignani,does anyone one know more,but must
be a little known ...
Anyone have any more information about dimensions and speed of this 1937 Italian sub hunter of 1300 tons with anti-submarine float plane? Love to know more about the floatplane. 3x1 120mm; 4x1 20mm; 2x2 torpedo tubes; 4 depth charge throwers, and sonar...
here is Guidoni early aircraft concepts,and his his activities in aviation about developed
a floats to anther airplanes,in early period.
Project G - 'Submergible motorboat', originally intended for coastal defence (a 'fighter' concept, armed with two 450 mm torpedoes), prototypes later modified for special operations with the 10th Light Flotilla [Decima Flottiglia MAS].
First batch (prototypes)
CA 1 - Scuttled at La Spezia...
the Caproni-Reggiane Ca.8000 was a four engined high-shoulder-wing flying boat
monoplane project of 1944,and powered by four Pratt & Whitney engines.
Aermacchi was an Italian aircraft manufacturer. Established originally in 1912 as the Nieuport-Macchi S.A. by Giulio Macchi at Varese in north-western Lombardy. It was later known as Aeronautica Macchi S.p.A. During the firms formative years Macchi worked closely with engine designer Vittorio...
Gabardini/CANSA Aircraft Designations
After designing a radical catamaran flying boat in France in 1910, Giuseppe Gabardini returned to Italy in 1912 and set up Aeroplani Gabardini at Taliedo. In Dec 1913, Gabardini took over the Cameri facilities of AVIS (Ateliers Voisin Italie Septentrionale)...
C.M.A.S.A. - Construzioni Mecchaniche Aeronautiche SA Designations
Rinaldo Piaggio began SCMP (sometimes 'SDCMP' for Societa di Costruzioni Meccaniche di Pisa) in 1922 to license Dornier designs. In 1929, SCMP joined the Fiat Group and, in 930, the name was changed to Construzioni Mecchaniche...
interwar period
ministry of aeronautics (kingdomofitaly)
ministry of the air force (kingdomofitaly)
regia aeronautica
regia marina
world war ii
we spoke before about many Fiat projects,but I open this topic to continue talking
about more Fiat Projects.
the G.4 was a two seat light aircraft project,powered by one 760 hp Fiat A.6 R
engine,I hope we get a more unknown Fiat G series projects...
a well known Italian company,which was formed in 1925,and in 1934 became
IMAM,or simply Meridionali;
Ro.1 licence built Fokker C.V,a two seat recce and bomber biplane
Ro.2 to Ro.4 ------?
Ro.5 two seat parasol wing sporting and training monoplane
Ro.6 was a version of the Ro.5...
Hi friends! I was looking for a 3-view of the Fiat AS.14, the bomber version of the seaplane Fiat R.S. 14. I didn't find anythig so I decided to do it by myself. I retouched a 3-view of the seaplane aircraft... I know that it's not a correctly and accurate draw, but I did mybest... I'd like to...
Contest 1934: A speedy bomber for the Royal Italian Air Force
Talking about the characteristics and necessities of competition held by the Italian Ministry of Aeronautics in 1934 for a Terrestrial bomber <Veloce> (speedy) defined with the intention to evade enemy fighters; You must place in the...
Another interesting little-known Piaggio project. The P. 127 was started during wartime as possible long range transport aircraft especially for civil role (in that sense it could be a concurrent of both CANT Z-511 and BZ 308).
The P.127C was a huge aircraft (wingspan: 56m, max weight: 56,000...
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