
  1. Grey Havoc

    Godzilla V the JSDF: a historical snapshot

    Here's a bit of light relief, courtesy of JAPAN SECURITY WATCH, but it is also an interesting snapshot of the various SDFs as they existed (as the Coastal Safety Force in the case of the MSDF) in 1954, prior to the passage of that year's Self-Defense Forces Law...
  2. Caravellarella

    Beyond the One-Eleven - British Aircraft Corporation BAC 1-11 projects......

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article describing the BAC X-Eleven "project" for a (then) new technology short-medium range jet airliner with CFM-56 engines. This "project" has a wider fuselage cross-section than the standard BAC 1-11. I believe this was the final attempt to make a stand-alone...
  3. O

    Patlabor 2 F-15 and F-16 concepts

    Here's an anime concept showing underbody conformal tanks/bays for an F-16, to answer the complaint about dorsal missile carriage. Couple that with the diverterless inlet and F-16XL style large wing, and you would have something interesting to work with.
  4. bring_it_on

    Japanese Missiles

    Just from a mission planning perspective. The current Anti Ship weapon planned for B-1 has a range that could be 2 to 3 times of this weapon (which iirc is 100-150nm class). This means the B-1s would need to get closer to a potential target, and also mean that you will need more aircraft to...
  5. A

    new japanese tank - type 10

    the Japanese have unveiled their new 44 ton tank View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnjfYKhcU4
  6. Deino

    Japanese Projects

    Sorry not ... that's all I have about this project and I was quite surprised that this pic has been released as yet ! I have some models of older Japanese projects like configurations under study for an indigenous FSX and a follow on replacement for the F-15J ! Here You go .... Deino ;D...
  7. Sentinel Chicken

    Mitsubishi X-2 ATD-X Shinshin Demonstrator

    A fellow aviation collector I know in Japan posted this image to our forum and he tells me that it was some sort of full-size RCS test model for a proposed Japanese fighter design. I've never seen anything like this in the press before but it appears to be some sort of F-22-based model with what...
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