Over many years I have gathered together brochures and artwork (cards ads etc) for the Boeing SST
So far I have artwork for the following:
Airlift (photo of broken model from ebay)
Alitalia (drawing in brochure)
Braniff (image from Internet site)
Continental (photo of model in brochure-meatball...
The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything.
Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
bell aircraft corporation
cold war
douglas aircraft company
national advisory committee for aeronautics
north american aviation
office of naval research
republic aviation corporation
space age
space race
united states
united states air force
united states navy
wright air development center
Got this form Groggy on the TGP site
“The L.R.1 bomber project was first submitted to the Ministry of Aircraft Production late in 1944” and “In May, 1945 a project was prepared for a transatlantic civil transport powered by four...
According to Key Publishing (I just hate this forum, so don't ask me why I browse there!) there had been studies for an improved concorde.
- No reheat
- another stage compressor on the engines
- 25% more range
- leading edge slats
- more fuel
Of course, this went to nothing because of the...
british aerospace plc
british aircraft corporation
cold war
french fifth republic
great britain
sud aviation
supersonic transport aircraft committee
In 1952 the US Navy put out a Request for Proposal to the US Aircraft industry asking for an advanced jet-powered 'Fast Mine-Laying Maritime Patrol Flying Boat'
The winner of this RfP was Martin with their P6M-1/2 SeaMaster design.
Unfortunatly this design did not go into full production, and...
aerial minelayer
atomic sea mine
cold war
flying boat
martin marietta corporation
nuclear battlefield
nuclear powered aircraft
sea mines
seaplane striking force
sub-strategic nuke
tactical nuke
united states
united states navy
American studies into a supersonic transport go back to the 1950s when various versions were proposed by Convair based on the B-58 Hustler. Things remained paper studies until John F. Kennedy moved plans ahead in July of 1961 with the formation of a presidential committee made up of members of...
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