jet age

  1. R

    Shaping the Vulcan: Design and development of Avro's V-Bomber (Stephen Liddle)

    Hi All, As we're hopefully in the final stages of production and to avoid further hijack of other threads.... The vast delta wing form of Avro’s Vulcan has become an iconic symbol of cold war Britain. From starring alongside James Bond in Thunderball to striking improbably distant targets...
  2. Richard N

    Celebrating Vintage Model Kits YouTube Channel

    Unboxings and reviews of past model kits you may never see anywhere else! View: View: View:
  3. B

    Boeing 2707 / United Wall Art - Thrift Store Find

    Hello everyone, new here, created an account to post this since I don't see many other places discussing the 2707. I was at the local thrift store(Cleveland, OH, USA) the other day and came across this pretty cool wall art. It's about 5 feet wide and features a blueprint of the 2707 along with a...
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program: Manned Aircraft Progress Report 1956-1958 (video)

    View: View: This is an excellent video with lots of information on the...
  5. uk 75

    Could the US have built an SST?

    The Boeing SST in its various guises seemed to be the future of civil aviation and the 747 was designed to be converted easily to cargo lifting when the 2707s arrived in the late 70s. Even Air France and BOAC planned to operate them alongside the Concordes expected to be in service some years...
  6. Y

    A-12/SR-71 astro-inertial navigation system

    The A-12 and the later SR-71 used the NAS-14v2 astro-inertial navigation system (ANS) from the 1960s, which was particularly interesting in the pre-GPS times. The set apparently looked like this...
  7. njiiaf

    Little Johnny Jet cartoon (1953)

    Was wondering if anyone else remembered this little Tex Avery short from their childhood.
  8. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp There are many myths surrounding the development of the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. Its unparalleled performance is beyond doubt; easily able to outpace its opponents and possessing the firepower to shred them in seconds. Yet...
  9. C

    Franco-german super Caravelle

    So I was reading " concorde and the Americans" and one of the things that caught my eye was that neither Britain or France were each others first choice. Britain originally wanted to work with America inorder to build the first supersonic jet, but the Americans were set on there mach 2.7 speed...
  10. helmutkohl

    What if Germany went through with VTOL aircraft?

    Germany was experimenting with various VTOL aircraft during the cold war in the end they didn't go for any of them. in this alternate scenario.. what if Germany did order some into production? 1. Which design would be the most likely to lead to operation? they had the VAK 191, DO 31 (this...
  11. J

    MiG-19 - Fake

    MiG-19 Fake
  12. uk 75

    Ireland's SST that never was

    Back in the 1960s Boeing was telling everyone that its Supersonic 2707 transport would be the must-have airliner for the 1970s. Some 26 airlines took out options on the plane. There is a comprehensive thread about the US designs on this site, but no illustrations of the artwork Boeing must have...
  13. S

    RIP John Farley

    Sad news, John Farley has passed away.
  14. uk 75

    Royal Navy with F-8 Crusader instead of F-4 Phantom II

    The arrival of a new book on the F8 Crusader got me thinking of the old chestnut of giving the RN a fighter for Ark, Eagle, Victorious and Hermes I have always felt that if we had done what France did and purchased the F8 we could have kept a carrier force as long as the French did. We could...
  15. uk 75

    Fireflash airliner from original TV Thunderbirds TV 21 artwork

    The Thunderbirds series from the 1960s featured in its first episode a wonderful airliner called Fireflash, which was totally improbable but looked very cool. In the series it crops up in a few episodes in the livery of "Air Terrainean", a sort of mixture of Pan American and BOAC. However, in...
  16. Mike Pryce

    Joe Sutter - Father of 747 - RIP

    Sad news: I was just watching him in this BBC documentary a few days ago: A great loss - the designer of an iconic aircraft.
  17. Triton

    Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker

    Boeing KC-135 model with winglets found on eBay. Source: Seller's description:
  18. Stargazer

    Weapons Systems 118P: the North American Aviation proposals

    Weapons Systems 118P called for high altitude reconnaissance aircraft proposals and was the forerunner of aircraft such as the B-70 Valkyrie and SR-71 Blackbird. Scott Lowther, a.k.a. Orionblamblam, had done a great deal of work to make the WS-118P proposals available on his blog and in his...
  19. Steve Pace

    Douglas Skyrocket

    I found this online - a view of the D-558-2 I've never seen before (note original cockpit canopy). Credit Life magazine - Steve Pace
  20. flateric

    Vladimir Sergeevich Ilyushin 31-03-1927 - 01-03-2010

    Vladimir Sergeevich Ilyushin was born on 31 March, 1927, the eldest son of leading Soviet aircraft designer Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin. Ilyushin's father was a favoured member of the Soviet establishment. It may be noted that aircraft designer Tupolev blamed Ilyushin's father for the...
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