
  1. Triton

    Enrico Fermi

    Two-view drawing of the proposed nuclear-powered Italian Navy ship Enrico Fermi. Source:
  2. airman

    a C-130J crashed on Pisa - my town

    A C-130J has gone down during a training ! :(
  3. S

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    This is an article about the Eurofighter Typhoon's capabilities in air combat written by ME. The informations contained into this article are based on officially published data! The article is a not a direct comparison vs other aircraft types and the informations contained might not be to 100%...
  4. Skybolt

    NBMR-4 requirement: the other Italian contenders

    The official Italian submission to the NBMR-4 V/STOL transport was the G-222. What is little known is that other Italian companies submitted a design, but were told to forget about it. One of the most completely studied was the SIAI-Marchetti S-201, the first official project by Ing. Brena...
  5. hesham

    Piaggio Aircraft Projects

    Hi, the Piaggio P.140 was four engined transport aircraft project and powered by four Hercules 761 engines,a retractable loading ramp was built in to the lower rear portion of the deep fuselage.
  6. Skybolt

    Filippo Zappata's projects at Breda (was: answer to Archipeppe)

    The projects drawn by Filippo Zappata, famous Italian designer known for the CANT Z 10XX and 5XX series, while working at Breda (circa 1942-1950) are one of the major problems of Italian aviation history. Breda archives were utterly destroyed when the aviation branch of the company went...
  7. Antonio

    Italian Nuclear Powered Ship Designs

    from:,2808.msg22427/topicseen.html#msg22427 Anybody has pics and info about this designs? Thanks in advance :)
  8. archipeppe

    Italian SLBM ALFA Missile

    Dear All, did you have any useful information about the Italian SLBM Alfa missile? It was developed during '60s, when Italy had some nuclear ambition (see nuclare submarine project named "Guglielmo Marconi", or the logistic ship named "Enrico Fermi") and was designed and produced by SNIA BPD...
  9. JAZZ

    Oto Melara1980's MBT concept

    Reported in Ground Defense International Dec-1980. Article showed drawings of two new projwcts that oro melara was working on. One was a new battle tank equiped with a 'vickers 105mm gun' and the engine positioned at the front, the second an ICV armoured with a 90mm gun, said to be a cpncept...
  10. Antonio

    SIAI Marchetti SV.20

    I found this drawing on an advertisement published on Aviation Magazine International Number 516 15-June-1969 (the same issue where I found the Mirage Mach 3 :)) There is no other info but the drawing. Please could you give more info about this unbuilt project? Thanks in advance
  11. Skybolt

    The real Re.2007 story

    Discussing the CC.2 in the Campini projects thread, the talk went on the Re.2007, a notorious fake. Since there is some interest in this and it seems that the "fekeness" ot the Re.2007 is not widely aknowledged, I give here a (somewhat lenghty explanation). Since we are in Secret projects, I...
  12. TinWing

    Aermacchi Projects

    The below artwork came from an early 90s Aermacchi advertisement in AW&ST. What is it? It appears to be a supersonic advanced trainer. The advertisement featured similar illustrations of the MB-339 and AMX, and there was a reference to a "international military program" referred to as "PTS...
  13. boxkite

    The designations of Fiat and related companies

    Italy has a long tradition in producing of aircraft, but there are many gaps in the list of type designations. Let’s start with the best-known company Fiat. I restricted the enumeration for the time after WWII. Skybolt and tanino (other Italian readers here?), please help to fill the gaps...
  14. overscan (PaulMM)

    Eurofighter Typhoon Avionics

    Thread for Typhoon avionics
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