interwar period

  1. Hood

    Soviet Maritime Project Numbers

    Good listings of Soviet naval project numbers are difficult to find. Some were published in books following the events of 1991 and of course Globalsecurity published a list in the late 1990s. No details at all were released of merchant vessels, so about two years I set out to complete a list and...
  2. Hood

    Air Radio Installation Numbers

    The British Air Ministry created a designation system for the installations of radio equipment in the late 1930s, each number reflected the standardised installation of a particular radio transmitter or receiver and all the various elements including power units, aerial connections, and control...
  3. hesham

    Bellanca Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, here is a Bellanca Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes and Sketches, Large Transport, 1948-1950,
  4. hesham

    White Aircraft Co. Airplanes

    Hi, this company was formed in 1937 by Mr. G. Donald,and here is a picture to its product,it was A-R amphibian,with high wing and three seat,powered by one 165 Ranger engine. There was also a Gull,it was modified from Argonaut,had a four-seat and pusher engine also,so I am confuse in the...
  5. able

    RN AAcruiser

  6. hesham

    British Light/Civil Aircraft and Projects,Post WWI

    From British Civil Aircraft since 1919, Mr. F. W. Broughton built a single seat parasol wing light monoplane,powered by one 30 hp Carden,developed from Perman Parasol,called Broughton-Blayney Brawney.
  7. blockhaj

    SAAB, Svenska Aeroplanaktiebolaget, Svenska Aeroplan AB, Saab AB aircraft list.

    Note: I know there already exists a thread about SAAB designations etc but that thread also includes other companies besides SAAB. Link to thread. While i understand why those companies were included i personally think we should have a thread dedicated to each of them separately as they designed...
  8. hesham

    Adolphe Lachassagne Aircraft

    Hi, Mr. Adolphe Lachassagne began in 1912/13 to built a tandem wing airplane,called AL-1,and described as "automatically stable",followed by a AL-2 in same concept,the AL-3,AL-5 & AL-6 were a single seat low-wing ultra-light monoplanes,but with different engine,AL-7 was a tandem wing in new...
  9. S

    Cirrus aero engines

    The ADC Cirrus was the first reliable and affordable aero engine and together with the de Havilland Moth, in the mid-1920s it created the golden age of private flying. It was also the first of the mass-produced small air-cooled four-cylinder inline light aircraft engines. And it has a curious...
  10. snark

    IJN Aircraft Official (Service) Designations

    Official Designation Other Designations; Originating manufacturer Allies (SWPA) Type-Year system introduced in 1921 Type F.5 Flying Boat F.5, Felixstowe; Hirosho Type Hansa Reconnaissance Seaplane W.29, Hansa; Yokosho Type 10 Carrier Fighter 1MF1, Mitsubishi Type 10 Carrier...
  11. Tzoli

    Amagi and Akagi Carrier Preliminaries

    Not long ago I've finished drawing the various Amagi/Akagi carrier designs I've found in the Hiraga archive. So I post them here now: Amagi Aircraft Carrier Preliminary Design 1 This is something...
  12. richard B

    A greek monoplane mockup tried in Austria ... It looks like a fighter of the early thirties . Could it be related with Raab ??? Just a speculation ...
  13. H

    Goodyear-Zeppelin ZRS-Derived Passenger Airship (~1935)

    Hullo all! Attached are a few images of a 1930s Goodyear-Zeppelin proposal for a large passenger airship based on the ZRS scout airship. All items are held in the collection of the University of Akron Archives, from which permission to post has been obtained. If there's any interest, I have a...
  14. M

    9TP Pzinż & 9TP B.Bt.Br.Panc.

    Polish Army ordered 100 tanks of the new design to be delivered before June 1940. In July 1939 the PZInż factory produced two additional prototypes to be extensively tested at tank proving grounds. While tests were generally favourable, it was noted that the new design had much lower speed than...
  15. Tzoli

    Argentinian Never-Were Warship Designs and Proposals

    Do you guys know any other never-weres or proposed warships for the Argentinian Navy? I know only these so far: TR-1400 class Submarines from the 1980's San Luis class Destroyers of 1910 (British built, finished as Aetos class for Greece) Mendoza class Destroyers of 1910 (Finished as...
  16. M

    Italian secret projects

    I think everybody know about M11/39 or P.26/40,but there's lot of secret projects.So,i was searching for secret italian projects/prototypes for more than 2 years.Here's my finds: Name:AB42 Name:Carro M13...
  17. Tzoli

    British Electronics "Type" Designations

    I've tried to collect all the British Type designations for electornics like Sonars, Radars, Jammers etc Here is the list: If anybody know more designations and their design/cancellation/introduction dates that would be great: Type 1 - Land Based Air Search Radar (1935/36) Type 2 - Land Based...
  18. Tzoli

    Royal Navy Lion Class Battleship series 1938-1945

    The Royal Navy's second 16" armed battleships history was a long and bumpy road of large number of designs and the inability on the Admiralty's side to actually start and continue it's work on them or choose a design to produce. First I present the 1938 designs: Design 14A-38 This is the first...
  19. E

    The Secret Horsepower Race by Calum Douglas (and piston engine discussion)

    The author is going to publish a comprehensive book about European aircraft engines used during World War II. I just discovered his site. His background and sources listed indicates this book would answer some questions. Any word about a publication date...
  20. M

    Japanese tanks and projects Pt.I

    Hello,for almost a year i was looking for japanese tanks/projects.I think everybody know about tanks like Chi-Ha or Chi-Nu.Unfortunately, not all tanks are as easy to find as Chi-Ha.In future I want to present a book called "Japanese tanks and projects".So today i want to show information that i...
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