interwar period

  1. U

    Question about Bonfiglietti's Carrier Project. According to the site above, there are several aircraft carrier plans planned by Regia Marina's Lieutenant General Bonfiglietti, does anyone know more about this?
  2. J

    CLW Curlew

    SPF contributor Motocar posted to his website this cutaway of the CLW Curlew. The post referenced his source, an archival version of the German magazine Flugsport for 1937. I couldn't find a thread for CLW here at SPF, so I started this one as this airplane contains some structural details...
  3. hesham

    Villiers Aircraft

    Hi, as I promised to talk about this company,in 1924, the French aircraft manufacturer Ateliers d'Aviation François Villiers was formed at Meudon near Paris,later I will mention its list. Vil.I ? was unknown,but may it was a single seat carrier based fighter project of 1924 competition Vil.II...
  4. D

    IJN Mogami 10" Gun Alternative and Maru-3 10" Gun Super-A Cruiser Project

    Something about Super-A Cruisers before Maru-5 Project. Source: 早川幸夫,スーパー・クルーザー「超甲巡」覇王伝説,月刊《丸》,2013年5月号 (Monthly "Maru", May 2013). The author stated that in a 1934 document named "Required National Defense Force from Treaty-Break to 1940" (条約決裂後ノ昭和十五年度ニオケル国防所要兵力表), that IJN's original plan...
  5. U

    Alternative Royal Navy during the Interwar period

    If you could redesign the Royal Navy at that time, what would you do?
  6. R

    Projects of artillery pieces 1919-1990

    I'll start the topic with an experienced Finnish infantry gun 76 PK 27/38 1943-1944.
  7. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  8. C

    Italian battleship design after Littorio?

    In UK we know Lion after KGV In USA we know Montana after Iowa In French and German we know Alsace and H class In Japan we know super Yamato and a150 series And how about Italian battleship after Littorio class?
  9. hesham

    Italian Early Aircraft 1909-1920

    Hi, does anyone know these two aircraft ( Avis 4 Cagno & Avis 5 Serra Zanetti0,and what was Avis company ?
  10. athpilot

    Johannes Winkler in den Junkers-Werken und die Dessauer Raketen

    This book is written by the german Winkler-Researcher Reinhard Sagner. He focuses on the technical asprects of Winkler´s work in and for the Junkers Company in Dessau in the time between 1929 and 1939, when Winkler left Junkers for the Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Braunschweig. The author has used...
  11. Grey Havoc

    Royal Enfield military projects

    To start this thread off, a 2020 Top Gear story on the development of the Royal Enfield Model RE airborne forces motorcycle, better known as the Flying Flea: (You will notice a few, mostly minor errors in the article.)
  12. Grey Havoc

    British Broadcasting Company

    A day late, but better late than never. Via Slashdot:
  13. B

    Supermarine 312 cannon fighter?

    I've seen a few references to a Supermarine early World War II project called the Type 312. From what I've read, it was a derivative of the Spitfire but with standard cannon armament and a ventral radiator instead of the Spitfire's underwing radiators. Does any photos or plans or other details...
  14. J

    Stealth Warplanes of the Luftwaffe-Prototypes and Projects 1936-1946-War Secrets-Volume Four

    STEALTH WARPLANES OF THE LUFTWAFFE Prototypes and projects 1936-1946 War Secrets-Volume Four Contents The race for invisibility Transparent wings Zebra effect Vorticist School Lozenge-Tarnung Akinetopsia Yehudi Infra-red Turbinlite Spanner Anlage I Spanner Anlage II Spanner...
  15. World B4

    IJA heavy mortars I can't find other sources referencing this, if it's not real what's the picture of?
  16. Grey Havoc

    Morris Commercial-Roadless Half-Tracks in the British Army View: According to the Imperial War Museum, via Wikimedia Commons, the image...
  17. J

    French Night Fighters

    French Night Fighters Between February 1918 and July 1922 the French Aéronautique Militaire used the Caudron R.XI heavy escort fighters from the Escadrille C 46, in joint operations with the Breguet XIV night bombers of the 3ême regiment de bombardement. In 1924 a night fighter unit was...
  18. E

    The Tradewind magazine, February 1930 - Wright Aircraft Engines
  19. airman

    Website about French Air Force 1939-1940

    Website is here
  20. Dynoman

    Projects of the German Secret Flight Test Center at Lipetsk, USSR 1924-1933

    This thread was created to discuss the projects, plans, facilities, operations, and historical implications of the German interwar flight test center and military pilot training school that was developed in secrecy between the Germans and the Russians. This airfield played an important role in...
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