
  1. cluttonfred

    Morane Saulnier Statodyne Projects

    Random thought.... Have there been any designs for jet VTOL tailsitters, on paper or actually built, with the engine reversed in the airframe and the efflux turned 180 degrees or so to exit from the nose? It's not hard to imagine such a design with a pair of Harrier-style rotating louvers for...
  2. Steve Pace

    Curtiss Wright XF-87 "Blackhawk"

    In search of a color photo of the CW XF-87 "Blackhawk." -SP
  3. S

    Russian blackjack fun.... Is this just payback for all the times we did it to them over the years?
  4. Steve Pace

    Lockheed F-12B Model

    Before they were canceled Lockheed recieved an order for 93 production F-12B LRIs to serve in the USAF Air Defense Command. I believe this photo from LM illustrates what a production F-12B would have looked like.
  5. Steve Pace

    Northrop F-89 Scorpion series

    Here's a color shot of the XF-89 (46-678) with Fred C. Bretcher in the cockpit.
  6. M

    F-14 Tomcat

    Sounds like "The Great Book Of Modern Warplanes": Martin
  7. J

    Messerschmitt Me P.1101

    P.1101 Post -1
  8. A

    Iranian CF-105

    Well, don't forget Iran... it's a well-known fact that some upgraded Arrows found their way to Iran in 1972. The Shah was exasperated by Soviet Mig-25RB overflying its country... Phantoms were not powerfull enough, F-14 and F-15 were prototypes five years from export... Iranian Arrows scared...
  9. S

    Two-seat "TENRAI"

    Hi everyone , Looking out for more information and a drawing , of the ( Two-seat ) version of the Nakajima Navy Exp.18-Shi " Tenrai " ( J5N1 ) otsu ( B ) type interceptor fighter. Source : Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War ( R.J.Francillon ) Thank's in advance Swallow.
  10. W

    Vickers Type 432 + 'Artemis' Missile.

    Hi folks, I recently came across Adrian Mann's (rather fine) "Illustration of a Vickers Type 432 firing an Artemis air-to-air missile", at: (I take it the target is an Me-264.) Does anyone know if the Vickers 432 was ever...
  11. E

    Fisher XP-75

    Got this while touring WPAFB restoration facility looking for YF-23. Was told it is only example existant.
  12. M

    Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor variants

    Thanks guys - just got lucky in receiving these. That wav file made the dogs in the neighborhood howl in pain ;D How about the XF-91 this time... Enjoy the Day! Mark
  13. Tuomasn

    NPO Molniya sub-orbital interceptor

    Found this on the website: Please note that it explicitly says the image with the Su-27 on a rocket has no relation to the real appearance of the proposed interceptor. I would guess the actual design might resemble a Spiral / Bor-4 - or then not...
  14. K

    Lockheed F-12B

    Does anyone have a drawing(s) of the F-12B interceptor as it would have appeared in its final form? KJ_Lesnick
  15. J

    Convair XP-92 / XF-92 - Development and Prototype

    Convair XP-92 first configuration
  16. flateric

    Lockheed 1983 study based on highly mutato, JT-69 2D TVC engined YF-12

    <...A study was conducted to determinehhe impact of integrated flight, inlet, and engine control system architectures on system effectiveness (safety, mission reliability, maintainability, dispatchability, and availability) and life cycle cost (LCC). The aircraft is a modified Lockheed YF-12...
  17. hesham

    Northrop F-5G / F-20 Tigershark

    Hi, In 1985 the Northrop designed a new project called F-5S (by that time),it was proposed as a version of F-5G (F-20) for Sweden, with 30 percent larger wing,do you know it ?.
  18. D

    General Dynamics / Grumman F-111B I found this while surfing for F-111B material today. David W.
  19. S

    Lockheed SR-71 / YF-12 Blackbird

    Just wondering if anyone knows what the tested maximum altitude and speed of the A-12/SR71 was? I contacted the USAF recently and they simply stuck to the published figures saying it flew at 85,000ft and could reach Mach 3.3. This doesn't seem to make sense as variants of the F-4, F-104 and...
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    Lockheed SR-71/YF-12 Blackbirds (Dennis R. Jenkins)

    Lockheed SR-71/YF-12 Blackbirds Excellent volume in the Warbird Tech series, good solid information from a good author. Recommended. ****
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