
  1. F-32

    Fictional German High Altitude Interceptor

    I am unsure if this is the right forum to post this, or if SecretProjects is even the right site, but if i understood correcrly this should be fine. If this post needs to be taken down just tell me and i will remove it! I've been trying to come up with some at least partly believable combat...
  2. U

    SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment), arsTECHNICA article, 1/4/2022, by Frank O'Brien

    Here's a somewhat thorough article about SAGE, the "Semi-Automatic Ground Environment" system co-ordinating air defense over North America from 1958, parts of it surviving operational up until the early 1980s...
  3. patburke06

    LRAPIS - 1960 hypersonic successor to LRI-X?

    I heard rumors about and little bits of info on successors to the LRI-X interceptors that were hypersonic and had missiles with a range of 500 miles is there any info on them like blueprints and performance information?
  4. A

    RCA Astra-1 - the (mostly unknown) CF-105 Arrow radar

    I checked, no thread for this one. It was developed by RCA between early 1956 and september 1958 when it was canned. Before and after these dates, ( sigh...) the prefered option was the MX-1179 / MA-1. While the Sparrow II missile is well known, Astra 1 remains kind of mystery. It has been...
  5. J

    Saunders Roe SR.53

    Pics , drawings ,models and book
  6. hesham

    Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Development and Derivatives

    Hi, I found this strange drawing to F 102,may be,they meant Convair F-102, but please look to its air intakes !,I think this a French imagine to F-102 before it appeared...
  7. E

    Fisher XP-75

    Got this while touring WPAFB restoration facility looking for YF-23. Was told it is only example existant.
  8. Mark Nankivil

    Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor variants

    Thanks guys - just got lucky in receiving these. That wav file made the dogs in the neighborhood howl in pain ;D How about the XF-91 this time... Enjoy the Day! Mark
  9. J

    Convair XP-92 / XF-92 - Development and Prototype

    Convair XP-92 first configuration
  10. D

    General Dynamics / Grumman F-111B I found this while surfing for F-111B material today. David W.
  11. P

    Avro CF-103 transonic interceptor

    I was reading a little about the Avro Canada CF-100 on the net yesterday, and came across reference to a proposed CF-103 program. It stated that the CF-103 was a refined and swept wing development of the CF-100, when the CF-105 Arrow was unfortunately cancelled. The article stated that only a...
  12. Orionblamblam

    WS-202A, LRI-X (F-108 Competitors)

    Circa 1956. SHAZAM!!! P.S.: How do I post this with the little clickable thumbnail like most of the other pics around here? [edited to add picture]
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