In the very first years of aircraft carriers development both English and Japanese envisioned launch of their aircrafts directly from the hangar. This result was usually achieved through an opening in the bow, at the hangar level, and a catapult that launched aircraft in the ship's direction...
cold war
comint satellites
leo satellite
low earth orbit
national reconnaissance office
signals intelligence
soviet union
strategic reconnaissance
united states
world war ii
I like japanese paintings, and I like WW2 aviation too, so what is better of japanese paintings about aircraft, painted during WW2?
After a little search, I found the following, some taken from here:
Zero fighter ready to take off from an aircraft carrier. It is also on the cover of this book...
It is well known fact that the hull of then under construction battlecruiser IJN Amagi lead ship of her class and which was chosen together with her sister IJN Akagi to become aircraft carriers got seriously damaged during the Great Kanto Earthquake happened in 1923 September 1st.
Due to the...
early 1920s
eight-eight fleet program
empire of japan
imperialjapanesenavyimperialjapanesenavy air service
imperialjapanesenavy technical department
washington naval treaty
Official Designation
Other Designations; Originating manufacturer
Allies (SWPA)
Type-Year system introduced in 1921
Type F.5 Flying Boat
F.5, Felixstowe; Hirosho
Type Hansa Reconnaissance Seaplane
W.29, Hansa; Yokosho
Type 10 Carrier Fighter
1MF1, Mitsubishi
Type 10 Carrier...
From the Research Topics - Designations Systems Forum part:
Are there any further data/infos/pics in japanese service available on these IJN experimental aircraft?
tom! ;)
Since the Shinano was sunk unachevied,I think it can count as a project. Regarding the deck paint,it was either a pattern like the one on the unryu class aircraft carrier or a grey deck,depend on the rule the carrier was used. Not all AA was installed on board too.
Here are some interpretation ...
Not long ago I've finished drawing the various Amagi/Akagi carrier designs I've found in the Hiraga archive.
So I post them here now:
Amagi Aircraft Carrier Preliminary Design 1
This is something...
eight-eight fleet program
empire of japan
imperialjapanesenavyimperialjapanesenavy air service
imperialjapanesenavy technical department
interwar period
washington naval treaty
Japanese Wikipedia entry on Akizuki class DD stated that IJN started in 1936 to study dedicated AA vessels following the example of Dido class. They contemplated anything from a 1000 ton torpedo boat armed with a single 10 cm or 12.7 cm AA gun to a quite large cruiser equipped with 12 double...
5th naval armaments supplement programme
6th naval armaments supplement programme
aa gun
anti-aircraft cruiser
early 1940s
empire of japan
imperialjapanesenavyimperialjapanesenavy technical department
late 1930s
maru 5 keikaku
maru 6 keikaku
ministry of the navy (japan)
pre-world war ii
world war ii
Taiho was ordered as part of Maru 4 fleet expansion program. She was a compromised design, mating an armored flight deck to a Shokaku size hull, resulting in lower freeboard an reduced hangar capacity. The first, prewar, draft of the subsequent Maru 5 plan included 3 more armored carriers of a...
Hello,for almost a year i was looking for japanese tanks/projects.I think everybody know about tanks like Chi-Ha or Chi-Nu.Unfortunately, not all tanks are as easy to find as Chi-Ha.In future I want to present a book called "Japanese tanks and projects".So today i want to show information that i...
Does anyone have any illustrations of the icebreaker that was supposed to replace the Otomari in Japanese service? Info on the Japanese wiki
Hello all, I'm searching infos regarding real (albeit conceptual only) battleship projects distinguishing themselves for extraordinary caliber of main guns and/or number of main guns and displacement. I'm aware of the following, some yet briefly discussed in other topics:
-Tillman maximum...
A nice look at the background of the Taihō-class program in general, along with an detailed overview of IJN Taihō herself. The fact that she doubled as a support carrier, for example, is often overlooked.
Hello people! I'm looking for information about the following projects, some pure paper projects, other more serious proposals never come to fruition:
-Kaneda battleship: an alleged 1914 study by Commander Kaneda about an half million ton battleship armed with 100 41cm guns in 50 double turrets...
Hi dear people I know that the Japanese navy was testing the IJN Shimakaze destroyer it stayed by one example, so she was one of a kind.
Does somebody know there were more paper project destroyers or a further developed version of the IJN Shimakaze?
Hi Folks
This is my list of (documented; not speculative) IJN Service Airplane Development Program designations. Any additions/corrections are welcome. This table is strictly for my own files. Thanks. Harry
Known SADP Designations:
• Kawanishi K-10 14-Shi High-speed Reconnaissance Seaplane...
empire of japan
imperialjapanese army
imperialjapanese army air service
imperialjapanesenavyimperialjapanesenavy air service
interwar period
world war ii
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