
  1. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View: http://youtu.be/BBk1sTWPKI8
  2. Jemiba

    Projects of the Flettner Aircraft Corporation/Key Gardens NY, USA

    Anton Flettner, well known for his helicopters in Germany emigrated to the USA in 1947 and founded the Flettner Aircraft Corporation. There he designed a heavy lift helicopter with gas powered intermeshing rotors. Forward propulsion was given by two propellers, the rotors should turn freely...
  3. Hood

    Did George Orwell invent the Helicopter Gunship?

    Did George Orwell invent the concept of the helicopter gunship in his novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' which he wrote in 1947? "April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused...
  4. Stingray

    Mil Mi-24/35 Thread

    I have searched Google, MSN, attached sites here, etc. and I have found no picture at all illustrating these Mil Mi-24 variants: Mi-24F Hind-A (designation may be unofficial) Mi-24B Hind-A (not Mi-24A Hind-B) Mi-24PTRK Mi-24T Mi-24VP Mi-24RA Hind-G1 Mod Mi-24BMT Mi-24VN Hind-E (So far I only...
  5. Triton

    Kawasaki UH-2

    Artist's impression of Kawasaki UH-X. Source: http://www.helihub.com/2012/03/30/kawasaki-announce-initial-order-for-uh-x/
  6. hesham

    Bölkow Helicopter Projects

    And what was that project for Bolkow ? from; http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1964/1964%20-%202966.pdf
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