
  1. F

    US destroyer/frigate designs of the 60s & 70s

    I have finished some simple drawings of US destroyer designs from the 1960s and 1970s. The drawings are based on sketches and artist renderings found in Norman Friedman's book "US Destroyers An Illustrated Design History". I find the nuclear frigate design (Typhoon) very interesting. Fishjay
  2. S

    UK Naval defense fraud in the 80s?

    The UK Independence Party has a new deputy leader: Christopher Monckton. As is usual with such news the party has put his impressive CV up on their website: However, he claims that whilst a member of Margaret...
  3. C

    MEKO CSL Is there any more information about this ship around? I haven't been able to find to much.
  4. Triton

    Regional Deterrence Ship

    I found a report and some artwork of the Team 1992 of the Naval Postgraduate School - Total Ship Systems Engineering on how an affordable future frigate for the US Navy might look like. They named the ship the Regional Deterence Ship (RDS). Web link to a paper written by Team 1992 of the Naval...
  5. uk 75

    Vosper Thorneycroft Mk 10 frigate variants

    The Brazilian "Niteroi" class frigates started life as the Vosper Thorneycroft Mark 10 design in the late 1960s. Many years ago I was looking at a Vosper brochure and it contained a small artwork of a version of this ship armed with Seadart instead of the forward 4.5" gun. I have never been able...
  6. TinWing

    Mystery BAE Systems Frigate Design...Mislabeled as the DML FC65 By Jane's?

    This drawing appear to depict a BAE Systems design similar to the Lekiu class class built for Malaysia. Oddly, Jane's Defence Weekly mislabeled the same illustration as the DML F65, which obviously was a much larger concept, with a greatly different appearance. From the following Hungarian...
  7. R

    BAE Frigate from DSA 2008?

    Today I found this on a Turkish website: from here: What kind of project is it? Looks like a nice Type 23 follower.
  8. Abraham Gubler

    Early CF.299 Destroyer Proposals (previously mistaken for RN Type 19 frigate)

    The following webpage has quite a bit of information about alternate designs for the RN’s Type 19 CVA-01 escort frigate. The designs explore difference ASW configurations with ASROC, Ikara and Malafon.
  9. JAZZ

    S-90 Frigate and S-85 Corvette designs

    back in the early 1980's an alternative frigate hull design was put forwrad by a commercial ship designer, and attracted some support from BAe and other navel ship builders. The MOD ordered trails between the S90 and Type 23 (duke Class) ASW firigate. The Marime Technology Board's findins...
  10. RP1

    USN Escort Designs - Cold War

    There have been various preliminary designs published for vessels from the 60s, 70s and 80s. I'm starting a new topic because it doesn't fit under the strike cruiser or NFR-90 ones. First up, an early DDG-51: Fig. 7 The most recent naval destroyer design, Arleigh Burke (DDG 51 Class). the...
  11. RP1

    NFR-90 and other Pre-Horizon AAW Projects

    (I wasn't sure if this should be included under the Horizon thread, as there were at least 8 projects between Type 42 and Type 45 in the UK alone, let alone any other nations, and Horizon was just one of those) (Note that the image is resized by the forum code and is actually 994 * 582...
  12. JAZZ

    Horizon AAW concepts

    Early UK concept and French concept.
  13. flateric

    Vosper Thornycroft Sea Wraith / Sea Wraith II concepts

    "In 1966, the Portsmouth ship-builders, Vosper Ltd., merged with the Southampton-based John I. Thornycroft to form Vosper Thornycroft, a publicly quoted engineering group, with an annual turnover of £250 million and currently employing 4000 staff. The company has a reputation for designing and...
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